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Going back to the UK


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I've had a quick search for previous postings on this subject and didn't immediately find anything but apologies if it's covered here.

In the UK now, I know you get a little pink card as a resident so you can claim mutually agreed EU health benefits when travelling. When I make trips to the UK, do I need something similar from here and how do I get it?  I have travel insurance but normally, I think these policies tend only to cover amounts over and above what is paid by member states.

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Do mean the updated version of E111? it comes in credit card format whereas one used to apply at the postoffice and end up with a piece of paper longer than A4. Are you going for a short stay in  UK?

I am in France and  my EHIC is whitte, but maybe they are a different colour in UK. If you go to CPAM or one of their local offices you can apply there(take your Carte Vital) you should receive it in the post in a couple of weeks.

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I thought I understood the EHIC but now I'm begining to wobble.

In Cooperlola's case if he/she were to have a UK issued E106 why would they want a UK issued EHIC when going on a visit to the UK?

Secondly, what about all the retired folks and people with disabilities who hold E121's?


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[quote user="Juswundrin"]"f (one) were to have a UK issued E106 why would they want a UK issued EHIC when going on a visit to the UK?"

To reflect the fact that any payments arising from its use are ultimately settled by the UK, and not French, authorities. Just like the E106.[/quote]

I don't doubt that technically your right it's just thinking how anyone in the NHS would react at being given a UK issued EHIC to cover treatment in the UK.

By the way, any thoughts on the E121 question?


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Well, we are covered by my husband's E106, and all have a French card - no query at all at CPAM when I applied for them! Interestingly, my husband has used a couple of 'walk-in' surgeries in the UK, and attended outpatients at a hospital for changing of dressings, and has never been asked for his card.


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Probably assumed he was British (I assume he is as well) because of his accent - but be aware if they once suspect you are not UK resident then you start getting bills - and things are tightening up.

My sister works in a hospital and told me of a case of a person who during treatement and in discussion with the nurses and doctors talked about her lovely Spanish villa.  Next thing a 15000 pound bill arrives - which she is liable for because it turns out she has not been in the UK or paying any contributions for over 20 years.

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If you are resident in France and are registered for the French state healthcare system, then regardless of whether it's under an E106, E121 or your own 8% contributions, then you have to apply for a French CEAM card.   The CEAM card covers treatment for French residents (ie, us lot) when visiting the UK

UK EHICs are only valid for UK residents travelling abroad and have no validity in the UK.



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