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Complete France Forum

Facilities for Adults with Mental Disabilities


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I read on another forum that there are sheltered workshops in France. Look in the french phone book under Protection Sociale. You might have to wait some time for a place for your son. In England I think he would still come under the school system at 17 and finding a place would be easier. Pat.

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thanks both of you for your messages. It appears France may have the same problems as other countries, i.e not enough facilities, and therefore long waiting lists...but 14 years is a very very long time.

in any case i will follow up the first lead as we start looking into this in October.

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There is a restaurant, lunch time only, and garden centre near us,Libourne 33, which provide work for the mentally challenged. I normally take the evening bus which picks up from there when I collect my car from being serviced. Everybody in good humour but it takes an age to load. 

Cannot remember the spelling but believe they are part of a nationwide service. Something like 'Haute Mexant'

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