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Top-up for health cover


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As we now need to consider which top-up assurance company we are going to use I wondered if anyone knows of, or has used, Exclusive Healthcare for cover? They seem very reasonably priced, in contast to say April or Groupama - perhaps because they are not so good?

Could you pm me [to avoid advertising] with any input you might have - positive or negative - re any of the companies mentioned, or any other. I should be very grateful as this would assist me in my research. Thank you.


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Just checked their website.  After trawling through page after page of rubric about joining the health system and some confusing and sometimes contradictory background information concerning E121s, I eventually found their downloadable plan brochure.

My observations are as follows:

Initially, their premiums appear to be similar to Groupama.  However, the cost/benefit ratio is not comparable because they do not pay out any claims during the first six months.  Groupama provide full cover from day one.

They ask for an up front deposit if paying by instalments.  Groupama don't.

They are based in a small hamlet about 15kms north of Frejus in Var. They do not give any details of their financial strength nor do they say whether they are broking via an underwriter. Groupama is one of France's major health insurance providers.

They ask you to provide personal information to obtain a quotation, but there are no "mentions legales" such as "Vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui vous concernent (art.26, 34 à 38 de la loi "Informatique et Libertés" n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978). Pour exercer ce droit, adressez-vous à .........." which concerns your data protection rights.

Hope this helps....



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Thanks SD - just the kind of detail I was hoping for.

I, too, trawled through their [Exclusive's that is] website and was concerned enough to look them up via the company details website but could find little helpful info. I suppose that it was the 'all our info is in English' phrase that lured me most. Although my French is better than reasonable I have not yet had to cope with complex health issues or health assurance. It is probably fear of the unknown on my part that is making me hesitate.

Groupama has an agency in our nearest town - I think I will give them a visit in person. I have already filled in an on-line devis but that was just to give me an idea of the costs involved.

Thanks again.


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Do as we did last year and go into the various insurance company agencies offices and collect their brochures. Take them home and study them and your better than average French will soon start to decifer the differences between the companies.

The bit that perplexed us was where they offered more than 100% cover, for example for dental and eye care. This is because the CPAM scale of reimbursement has fallen way behind what the dentists and opticians/opthalmologists charge (sound familiar?).


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[quote user="Benjamin"]Sue

... the CPAM scale of reimbursement has fallen way behind what the dentists and opticians/opthalmologists charge (sound familiar?).


Yes - how true - it's beginning to sound/feel like the UK. I have just added my 2 pence-worth to a thread about savings interest and credit interest - these, too, seem to be mimicking [sp?] the UK too - it is very worrying. But then I am a born worrier.

Thanks for the advice - I have decided I am going to do just that this coming week. Just lacked the courage before - it is all this worrying I need to do!


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Re Exclusive Healthcare

We have been with them for four years - excellent service - very, very prompt repayment. New cards being issued now mean that there is no need for repayment as all charges go direct where the carte vital is used.

When the salesman from Societe Generali visited and attempted to sell us his policy, I showed him our Exclusive policy - he did not attempt to sell us his policy - his only comment was "could I take out a policy with them"

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I visited Groupama's local agency for a quotation having now received one from CA and Pacifica.  Has anyone looked at CA's offering?

However the lady at Groupama would not give me a quote in that she said that very shortly Groupama are introducing a 'prix attractive' and so I have another meeting on the 14th of September.

Top up insurance is the one thing that is really giving me sleepless nights and I wish there was a simplistic way of covering various offerings of the main players for otherwise you tend to go for the one that you can afford and without then considering what the offers actually entail.

Remember when BT Mercury and a host of other telecoms were saying we are the cheapest but then when you added in set up charges periods of less than a minute those sorts of things it became very confusing.

That is the state of mind that I currently find myself in!


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When I visted my local Groupama office, there was a nice glossy "Which" type report in the waiting room - it contained very useful comparisons of all the French health insurers by price, benefits, claims, etc.  I tried to sneak it out, but the girl caught me in the act.  She said if I wanted a copy, I could order one through my local Maison de Presse.

Groupama was one the five star rated, highly recommended companies listed.

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I should like to add my comments that Exclusive Healthcare in my opinion offer the best value for money around for expat healthcare. They give excellent service, simple to understand policies and documentation in English.

I have been with them for some time. I would not consider moving my business anywhere else.

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  • 3 weeks later...
To add to the testimonials above, we use "Exclusive" and have been really pleased with the sevice, although we have only used it for a couple of GP visits, regular prescription drugs and dental treatment, all of which were quickly reimbursed (most recently, automatically when we used ours Cartes Vitales).  They are underwritten by All Seasons Underwriting Agencies, Registed in England No 3252680, Mark Lane, London EC3R 7HT, by the way, if this makes you feel a little more comortable.
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  • 1 month later...
All I can say is that CPAM have directed me towards their web site and where a point is being made as to the viability of private Mutuelles.  An off the record discussion has also taken place with CPAM and I am not at liberty to repeat what they said as to private Mutuelles.  I have not used a private source but a source backed by resources.
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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]All I can say is that CPAM have directed me

towards their web site and where a point is being made as to the

viability of private Mutuelles.  An off the record discussion has

also taken place with CPAM and I am not at liberty to repeat what they

said as to private Mutuelles.  I have not used a private source

but a source backed by resources.[/quote]

Not at all sure what that is all meant to be ?

What do you think millions of workers have to use ? All the trades etc

are not with CPAM but with their own Mutuelles, both for obligatoire

and complementaire (not neccessarily the same one as the obligatoire).

Are you mixing it all up with the private health care companies that

once were allowed to fully peddle their wares but now have a limited

scope for offering health cover ?

Can I ask you why are not at liberty to say ? The fonctionaires there,

can sure come up with some beauties at times and they are not going to

know you from the millions of others that cross their paths every year


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All I can say is that CPAM have directed me towards their web site and

where a point is being made as to the viability of private Mutuelles.  <snip>  I

have not used a private source but a source backed by resources.

Okay, I've read that 3 times now and I can't extract your meaning. Are you saying that CPAM suggested you look at Exclusive?


Oh, I see now I'm not alone in finding the wording a little opaque.[:)]

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[quote user="Benjamin"]Sue

The bit that perplexed us was where they offered more than 100% cover, for example for dental and eye care. This is because the CPAM scale of reimbursement has fallen way behind what the dentists and opticians/opthalmologists charge (sound familiar?).


Hi Benjamin,

I think that you will find that the 100% mentioned is for 'Convention' (I hope I have the name correct. If not it is very close?) prices, i.e. prices layed down by the government. The nearest thing to NHS doctors, dentists, hospitals, etc. The 'non-convention' is similar to the private sector where they can charge what they like. That charge can be 300% of 'convention' and if you cover does not reach the percentage then you pay the difference. I am sure that if this is not correct then someone, SD pert etra, will correct it for me. Not a dig at you SD, just that I am not 100% sure of the names for instance.

I have a visit to a non-convention hospital today for a small op, genral anesthetic needed and Exclusive are looking after the bill for me. They have been very helpfull in the 2 years we have been here...

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CPAM functionaires generally have a predudice against private companies offering top up assurance. They see nasty capitalists profiteering from what they regard as their protected patriarchy. Mutuelles are acceptable because they are non- profit making and in theory at least everyone benefits from any surplus.

Exclusive Healthcare is a private company registered in France. The underwriters are a long established public quoted company in the UK, who among other things deal in travel assurance. I am not sure either what the suggestion made by this poster is supposed to mean. We all insure our cars, houses, life, et al with private companies. Why not top up health assurance? Functionaires in France have a jaundiced view of the world.

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Another, possibly even more valid, reason why officials are biased against certain types of top-up insurance is that many of the primary caisses, including regional CPAMs, have their own topups, or special arrangements with providers, so that staff can benefit financially if they sell you one of their policies. So it is not surprising that they will rubbish the competition.

Don't get too bogged down in the difference between mututelles and private companies. There is, in practice, little or none. A true mutuelle will distribute its profits among its members while a private company has shareholders, but many former mutuelles in France have been absorbed by larger corporations so although they may retain their old name, they are no different from the private companies in the same group. Certainly quotes from both mutuelles and private insurers will be pretty much on a par, comparing like with like, though there will always be exceptions. Further confusion arises by the frequent use of the term 'mutuelle' to mean topup, regardless of the provider. It isn't helped by the fact that several so-called mutuelles provide primary cover as well as topups.

Confused? me too.

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I am suprised to learn that CPAM functionaires sell mutuelle policies. Sorry Will, I am sceptical. This would involve them in some normal human activity other than shoving a form up your nose. Are they being re-trained to enter the world of commerce? Heavens above, they may even learn to be helpful, compassionate or even sympathetic. Am I living in dreams? "Change comes but dropping slow". [:D]
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