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Timetable for reimbursements on Carte Vitale


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I went to the docs with my son over two weeks ago.  I thought it was a long time coming back from the Mutuelle so I asked them if it was there.  They said they had not received anything from the doctor yet.  I went back to the doctor who said he had not processed it yet and it was normal. Surely this is not right? Is he just one of those who does not rush or is this normal? I thought these reimbursements were usually made straight away.  I don't like the idea of paying all this money out upfront if someone does not process it because they have not got round to it.


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I paid for a course of physio on Oct 10th and the reimbursement appeared in our account on the 28th. This is about average but there might be variations in different areas. I think there are some places - clinics, pharmacies, labs etc - who have a special machine which works out the reimbursements on the spot and you only pay the surplus which you then claim from your mutuelle.. Pat.

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I'm still waiting for our Carte Vitals to be sent.  However I have taken my kids to the Docs for a medical for school and for sports clubs.  Does anyone know if I can claim back the Docs cost for medicals and if so, should I wait until I have the CV?

Sorry I haven't meant to jump onto someone elses thread.

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[quote user="Dotty "]


I'm still waiting for our Carte Vitals to be sent.  However I have taken my kids to the Docs for a medical for school and for sports clubs.  Does anyone know if I can claim back the Docs cost for medicals and if so, should I wait until I have the CV?



When I registered I was given a temporary registration number. I understand that with that I could have taken any "feuille de soins - medecin" into the CPAM offices and got the refund (i.e. before the card arrived). Probably possible via post as well. I never needed to do this but it was my understanding when they gave me the temporary number (with an attestation).


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The normal procedure following registration with CPAM is they send you a paper attestation which shows your social security number (temporary or otherwise) and sets out your cover details.  This is sufficient to produce at your doctor/pharmacy, etc.  The carte vital usually arrives later and is a plastic card which automates the process by allowing your healthcare provider to swipe the card through a reader.  Details are transmitted to your CPAM and they process their payment and notify your mutuelle for the remainder of the cost. Provided the costs don't exceed the tarifs, you don't physically pay anything.

Some doctors don't have this automatic facility so you have to pay up front and wait for your CPAM/mutuelle to reimburse you.  There should be no undue delay on the part of your healthcare provider in processing your claim - if there is, then you should complain.


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That is not entirely true of all Doctors surgeries.

Some Doctors will still want paying, even though they have an up to date card reader. Some patients, depending on their circumstances, still have to pay their Doctor, he will put their card in to his reader and they then get automatic remboursement from CPAM.

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Am I missing something here?  When my Doctor's swipe machine broke down and again when I used his locum in another village who did not have a swipe machine, I was given tthe brown "Feuille de soins - medecin" signed by the Doctor to complete and sign with SS number etc and then for me to drop off at CPAM office. 

The OP did not mention anything about receiving a brown form from her Doctor, so how do CPAM know she has been there without her having submitted a form?  Is there a system in some areas where the Doctor makes a return of patients seen and sends that to CPAM, because that is what is inferred in the original post


EDIT after reading Miki's post.  Round here you have to pay for everything up front including the Doctor who gets a 20€ note each time from me, the only place I don't pay is at the Pharmacy, where they have details of my mutuelle, but I paid 45€ for an X ray yesterday.  Perhaps you don't have to pay up front if you are genuinely poor, don't have the money and don't pay any CMU charges, I don't know.

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My doctor has a reader , uses my CV and still charges me full whack, which CPAM then remburse through my account.

Just as an asside, my youngest has a ALD and needs shoes made to measure, these are paid for in full by CPAM to the tune of over 500 euros a tme.  She wanted some fashion boots this time, and can only order one pair at a time, she also needed some trainers for sport(I sometimes end up buying 2 pairs and trowing the odd ones away!! but managed tt buy a pair that could fit a bit of raise inside and the man who makes her shoes adds the rest outside)  in the past I havn't been charged by him for this extra service, he just takes my prescription and I think he must have cooked the books.

Anyway when I went to collect them this week he appologised and said that CPAM will not pay for shoe repairs(the added raise under the shoe! but will pay for the semelle inside ........) Ok so out came my cheque book, 61 euros, with a fuille to reclaim some of it back from CPAM.

Next time I shall make sure I go every 3 months for a different shoe , so they will be seasonal  if CPAM are prepared to pay that amount for a pair to be made but not for me to save them some cash by having a pair made to fit!

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As I mentioned, there is a variation in how doctors' card reading/payment facilties work.  The card reader simply processes an electronic feuille de soins to your CPAM and generates payment of the doctor's fee.  However, until recently, the card readers had no facility for him to bill your mutuelle as well.  

So, my wife get's her card swiped and because there's a mutuelle payment involved (which he can't bill himself), he doesn't generate a CPAM fee payment request and instead, he takes her 20 euros (or whatever it is now).  The reader still transmits the electronic feuille de soins so my wife can be reimbursed by her CPAM/mutuelle.

I have an ALD, so he swipes mine and because there's no mutuelle payment involved, he does generate a CPAM fee payment request and obtains the full 100% and as a result, I pay him nothing.

Whether you pay up front depends upon whether your doctor has invested in the newest technology. Given the proposed introduction of the new carte vital which will contain details of your medical history, I expect that the roll-out of new generation readers will be accellerated.



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Still not how our Doc sees it S.D and if anyone is more up to date than him, then I would be amazed. New surgery with all the whizz bangs one could wish for.

Our friends pay him because they are with the CMU. We also have to pay and we are with a mutuelle. I reckon he wasn't joking when he says he wants the cheque/cash in his hand, not in the hands off people who will keep him waiting !

He reckons he is as up to date as it gets and by the look of him, his surgery and his gadgetry, I certainly wouldn't disagree! I wouldn't mind betting, it is not so much that our Doctors (or others) are behind the times, but the peeps at the other end [;-)]

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