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carte vitale by employment?


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Have tried on a different thread and not got much info - perhaps more info available here!

I have a friend who has been here a while with her son.  She is having problems obtaining a carte vitale as the CPAM have told her to obtain a E106 from England and this could prove a problem.  She is fearful of doing this in case Newcastle pass on information about her to her husband.  (Abusive!)  She has not worked in UK for many years so as we understand it the relevant information would have to be obtained from his ni payments etc.  (and she's not even sure if he's been paying them for a while as he 'travels' ) .

What should she do and would they contact him?  Would they start investigating him if he hasn't paid for a while (not that she's bothered about him, but it would probably open up a nasty can of worms for her also).

It's a complex situation so as she also needs a job would she be able to obtain work under the chaque emploi system and get her employer to obtain necessary s.s. no. and carte vitale all without having to contact the UK at all.


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If she gets a salaried job she will get her carte vitale through her employer via CPAM.

To obtain a carte vitale as technically unemployed, she will need the 106 or a letter from Newcastle to say she is not entitled to it.

They will not or should not contact the husband, it may be worthwhile writng and explaining the situation and giving express instructions not to do so, and aslong as she has not abducted the child and is here legally then I dont see a problem.

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