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Dentist and CV


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I am going to need treatment at a dentist shortly (lost a huge filling and part of tooth and the local dentist is closed until 4th Jan).  How does this work in France.  Is dental treatment covered with the Carte Vitale?

Can anyone tell me how I say in French "I have lost a filling and my tooth hurts".  More importantly, how can I ask for an aneasthetic without adrenalin in it.   I had a brain haemorrhage some time ago, and I cannot have anything that makes my heart beat faster and pump the blood around my arteries too quick.


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I have had a look on the Ameli.fr website and it makes no mention of reimbursement for dental care - the only mention is for free dental checks for kids.  Which suggests perhaps it is not covered and partly explains the appalling state of so many people's teeth.

Here's a glossary of French dental terms:


"J'ai perdu un plombage (or J'ai perdu une obturation) et j'ai mal au dent"

"J'ai besoin d'une anesthésie locale sans adrénaline"

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[quote user="Suninfrance"]

I am going to need treatment at a dentist shortly (lost a huge filling and part of tooth and the local dentist is closed until 4th Jan).  How does this work in France.  Is dental treatment covered with the Carte Vitale?


I've had treatment here and paid by cheque and Card Vitale. CPAM reinbursed the basics and my insurance company reinbursed the balance.

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Just paid Euros 30 for a ferry simple replacement filling – less than 20 minutes in the chair walked in on Friday made appointment for 10:45 the next day.  Pretty sure almost all of cost of basic dental work is covered by CV


My best translation as below.  I would say X years ago or in 1999 etc.  rather than some time ago for the Cerebral Haemorrhage.  


Un plombage est tombé dehors d'une de mes dents. Je suis dans la douleur.


Je requiers un anesthésique sans l'adrénaline.   J'avais un cerveau  hémorragie il y a quelques temps. Je ne peux avoir rien que marques mon cœur bat plus vite et pompe le sang autour mes artères trop vif.


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So there you have it - the French can't blame lack of cover for their teeth!

In case you missed it, here again are the simple versions of "I've lost a filling and I've got toothache" and "I need an anaesthetic without adrenalin".

"J'ai perdu un plombage (or J'ai perdu une obturation) et j'ai mal au dent"

"J'ai besoin d'une anesthésie locale sans adrénaline"

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Thanks all - very helpful - I shall have to write that down and take it with me.  Despite being here a while, I only managed to find a French teacher in the summer and have only had 12 lessons.  Lessons are fun, but not specific enough for me to make up my own sentences in French just yet [:D]
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