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Updating Carte Vitale


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I recently left my card at the pharmacy by accident, when i went to pick it up a few days later the pharmacist told me he had mis a jour my card.

I assume that every houshold is the same whereby a married couple each have a card(even though they have the same SS number) We have 2 children , one of who has a ALD . When we went to the hospital on wednesday , the functionaire on the desk (who is known to us to be stroppy) said we would have to pay for our daughters appointment and claim it back as Mr Os card was apparently not up to date(c'est tres important a mise a jour Monsieur) so I whipped my card out and gave her that (whilst all the time she was muttering on that our girl wasn't showing as 100% ) and at the same time routed through my dossier for the green letter that came with the cards to say she was ALD until 2010..........anyway she gave a smug smile and said mine was up to date.


My question is, what exactly did CPAM put on my card that was not already on them when they arrived with the gren letter in July?

Mr O has taken youngest for another rendez-vous at Montpellier hospital today and has gone armed with his updated card and 2 folders of paperwork ready for battle with the "boss" at the desk..............if they get there, he has just rung to say the motorway is jammed at Bezier!

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[quote user="cooperlola"]You have to mis a jour your card about twice a year, I think.  You should find a machine in your local CPAM.[/quote]

Sorry, this is making my teeth grind, I cannot let it go by!!! [blink]

You have to mis a jour your card about twice a year

Mettre à jour = to update

la mise à jour = the update

Most "pharmacies" have a small green card reader, either on a stand or on the counter, where you can eiher check or update your Carte Vitale.

The details change according to your "cotisations", your E106/E121 or other entitlement and need to be updated whenever you receive a new "attestation".

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It has to be inserted into the CV update machine.  Some but not all doctors have these machines.  Ditto pharmacies.  All CPAMs have them.  You have to do it yourself, it is not the doctor's or pharmacien's resposibility.  It is recommended to do it 6-monthly and at least annually.

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We have been here 2 years plus now and this is the first we have heard of it. I am unfortunate enough to have to visit our doctors, pharmasists a lot and local lab for 3 monthly blood tests. Nobody has told us anything about updating and if we were charged then we would notice it pretty smartish..
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It's just what the leaflets in the doctor's surgeries etc. say about updating your CV.  I've got the leaflet on this somewhere but it is not to hand.  As you know, what you are officially supposed to do and what you need to do to get a service are not necessarily the same thing.  Maybe your CV updates when you use it, but if you never see the doc (and we haven't since we got here) you have to do it yourself?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just did this.  You need a letter from the Department of Health and Pensions to say that your E106 has expired (you'll get an English and a French copy from them.) Take this, plus your 2005 tax declaration and your Carte Vitale to your local CPAM. If  your income is taxed in the UK (Civil Service pension etc) then you'll need to take all the details of that along too.  Plus a RIB so your payments can be debited from your account.  Then you'll be able to sign on to the French system (and you'll have to start paying into it.) You pay quarterly in arrears.  I don't know what your income is so can't advise you as to how much it will cost you. There may be other documents I've forgotten but SD will no doubt fill in the blanks!  Act fast or you will not be covered for any health care after the 6th of Jan.

More on this subject here http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/707962/ShowPost.aspx

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No - if not over retirement age you'll probably need to sign on the CMU to pay your cotisations to the CPAM through the URSSAF (do a search for URSSAF on the forum, I recently exchanged notes on this with Cooperlola).  Do not rely on the CPAM to take an active part in telling you or reminding you what to do - like a lot of things, you are often expected to just 'know' what to do and some offices are more proactive and helpful than others.  Ring Newcastle DHS Centre for Residents Overseas and get them to send you a letter stating that you are no longer covered under the UK E106 if you do not already have this letter - you will need that to add to your CPAM dossier and to get switched to the CMU when your E106 expires.


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Just read the other thread - all sounds a bit complicated.

I moved out here permanently in July 2004 after giving up my job.  OH moved out here in July 2005 after receiving a payment from his employers and he is still receiving incapacity benefit.

Therefore, I have no income and after a very frustrating time down at the tax office trying to get a tax form filled out, they said they weren't interested if we had no income in France.

Neither of us are near retirement age (I've got another 15 years to go and OH another 10).  We are living frugally off the proceeds of our house sale in England.

So where does that leave me - no income, no tax return = no healthcare?

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I don't know the regs for people on incapacity benefit.  Why don't you call the CPAM at St Lô where they have an English helpline and describe your situation to them?  You do not have to be in that department to call them.

Here's the Manche St Lô CPAM English Helpline number 0820 904 212

St Lo Assurance Maladie

Hope this helps.

email: contact-ecoute-conseil@cpam-st-lo.cnamts.fr

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