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Re: CMU or RMI ?


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I assume neither of you is salaried or of pension age.  Therefore you should apply IN ADVANCE for CMU  before your E106 runs out.  How to do this is discussed in another thread on the forum.

As to what you pay, here is a para gleaned from the ameli.fr (Health) website:

Votre affiliation à la C.M.U. de base est :

  • gratuite si votre revenu fiscal de référence est inférieur à 7 083 euros,

    si vous êtes allocataire du Revenu minimum d'insertion (R.M.I.) ou,

    encore, si la C.M.U. complémentaire vous a déjà été accordée ;
  • payante si votre revenu fiscal de référence est supérieur à 7 083 euros.

    Vous devrez alors payer chaque trimestre une cotisation à l'URSSAF dont

    le montant s'élève à 8 % du montant de votre revenu fiscal dépassant le

    plafond. Cette cotisation est due à compter du 1er jour du

    trimestre civil suivant la date de votre affiliation à la C.M.U. de

    base. Exemple : pour un revenu fiscal de 10 500 euros, votre cotisation

    sera de 8 % de 3 417 euros (10 500 - 7 083 euros), soit 273,36 euros

You should be able to find all you need to know about cotisations on the AMELI website if you have other questions about it.

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In France income tax is calculated for the household, not for the individual.

RFR is the Revenue Fiscale de Reference for the household - a figure on your tax demand which equates roughly to the household taxable income.  Have you filled in a tax return for 2005?  If so they should have returned you a form showing this figure, known as the RFR.

I don't know if 7083 is the figure for last year or the coming year, but it should give you an idea.

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The 7,083 euro threshold that Cassis mentioned is valid for the current year up to September 2007.

Even though your pension is taxed in the UK, you should have included it in your tax declaration.  It will form part of your taxable income calculation, but you'll get a credit for the UK tax paid, cancelling it out in terms of paying tax on it.  However, it has the effect of increasing your RFR which will affect the amount of CMU cotisations you'll have to pay.


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