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The FAQ would be an excellent idea.

Ron Avery (and Sunday Driver et.al.),

My research (on this) only began in 2005. E106 and new (replacement) UK EHIC card (to go with the E106, to cover us for the period in France through to the end of the E106) were issued in April 2006 (and we emigrated in May).

The covering letter (dated XX/April/2006) that came (from The Pension Service, Tyneview Park, Medical Benefits, ...) with our E106 said as follows:

We have now completed our enquiries into your application for medical cover in France and enclose two copies of the Form E106 ... ...

Visiting another country

If you temporarily visit another country that applies the EU rules on health care, you may be entitled to medical cover from the United Kingdom (UK) whilst you are there. But the UK can only give you this cover up to XX/XX/2008 when your cover on form E106 ceases.

To get this cover you will need a plastic card called the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) available from the Pricing Prescription Authority (PPA) in the UK. You can apply for your EHIC by completing the enclosed application form and sending it to the PPA in the envelope provided. ... ...

I did, indeed, send off the form, resulting in the appearance of the new UK EHIC card (expires XX/XX/2008) to replace my old (and invalid since we emigrated) UK EHIC card ("expiry" 2011). But, of course, some on this thread insist that they know better.

Boiling a frog,

Thanks for that, I was beginning to doubt my sanity.


I don't know the answer about the E121 and, thankfully, have a few years to go before I even start to think about it. I believe in researching things in good time but not so soon that the regulations may change in the interim.

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So when we are on our french E form and likely will be for the duration of the time that we are still paying full SS payments to France, following this logic, then the french should issue us with the EHIC cards. As I said, I have already been told that we get nothing. So I will have to ask this very specific question.

It has also to be said that the EHIC application form rules do not look amibiguous, they appear to be statements.

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Clarification now from both sides. My CPAM just phoned me back.

CPAM cannot supply us with EHIC cards because we are covered by UK E106. If we want EHIC cards we MUST get them from the UK (so, if we didn't already have them and despite the fact we have been resident in France for 9 months, we would have to apply to the UK).

They described to me the way this usually works:

- a few months before the expiry of our E106, we should write to the UK asking for a renewed E106 OR a letter of rejection;

- if we get an extended E106, then we need to get the UK to issue "extended" EHICs, while the CPAM would issue us with an "extended" Carte Vitale;

- if (as I expect) we get a letter of rejection, then we apply (in good time - maybe 5 weeks before expiry of our Carte Vitale & UK EHIC) to the CPAM (with all the necessary justificatifs - inc. letter of rejection, last UK tax declaration and last - in our case first - French tax declaration) for a new Carte Vitale and a French EHIC.

So, that's good - end of any ambiguity - DWP & CPAM in entire agreement.

[quote]the EHIC application form rules do not look amibiguous, they appear to be statements.[/quote] [teamedup]

Indeed they do not, indeed they do and, for 99%+ of applicants, quite right too.

I would not expect to see in a top-level document something referring to an exception which I guess might apply to (at most) about 0.5% of applications p.a., would you?

It's a bit like the rules for ISAs. The main rules state categorically that you cannot hold AIM shares in an ISA - it's only after drilling down through the rules and regs that you find the exceptions to the rules (many AIM shares are eligible for ISAs).

As far as the EHIC regulations are concerned, I did my drilling when I needed to - end 2005, early 2006 and it wasn't easy - as I mentioned earlier in the thread, I spoke to some half-a-dozen people at that time

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Thanks for quoting the DWP letter which confirms the procedure for obtaining an EHIC whilst under an E106 arrangement and shows that you are clearly correct.  Next time, please quote things like this earlier on so we can avoid a lot of unecessary debate....[;-)]

Both the website and the letter state that the EHIC provides cover if you temporarily visit another country - does that include the UK?  I wonder what the reaction would be if you have to visit a UK GP or hospital and produce a UK issued card that is valid for overseas rather than "domestic" situations?



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[quote]Both the website and the letter state that the EHIC provides cover if

you temporarily visit another country - does that include the UK?  I

wonder what the reaction would be if you have to visit a UK GP or

hospital and produce a UK issued card that is valid for overseas rather

than "domestic" situations?[SundayDriver][/quote]

Yes, it does.

I was advised (during one of the many phone calls) that one should present BOTH the EHIC and a copy of the E106. The person I spoke to was unsure whether this applied only to visits back to the UK or to all third countries (but by then I was losing the will to live). My best guess at the moment is that it only applies to visits back to the UK but I will be taking a copy of the E106 with me (as well as the EHIC) next time I travel.

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Hello Chessfou,

Your UK issued EHIC will be valid in EU/EEA countries plus Switzerland except France, which is obviously covered by the E106. The reason why the UK is covered is for the same reason why the UK issued EHIC is valid in other countries. Although you are fiscally resident in France you remain INSURED by the UK. This is therefore an exception to the issue of UK EHIC / residence qualification rule.

In anticipation of coming under withering attack about why therefore E121 does not come under the same rules as E106; sufficed to say there are all sorts of reasons why cover by E106 is different and why E121 holders have EHICs issued in France as opposed to the UK. The actual basis of the issue of E106, by the UK, is an underlying entitlement to UK Short Term Incapacity Benefit. You do not have to be in receipt of it - just have the underlying entitlement.

To all of you, apart from you Chessfou who has already displayed original thought, think about it.



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