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who pays for the cover of E121 & E 106?


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I mentioned this in another discussion and hoped someone knew. Ron had said something in a tax thread about funding by the uk government. Do they pay a flat sum each year, or just as needed, or not at all? Hoping someone knows or can give a reference. Pat.

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Why do you need to know how it is paid?  Is this just curiousity or a deeper reason?

The charges for E 106 and E121 charges are paid by the UK government  AFAIK they reimburse the French when the costs are received, but if not why worry as long as it gets paid?

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There were a few hints on here that retired people came to France to sponge off the french health system and I wouldn't want to be accused of this. Also there is evidently an undercurrent of protest among young taxpayers in the UK against their burden of supporting the ever growing proportion of elderly to young. I do sympathise to some extent with that but what can I do about it? Pat.

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There is, unfortunately, little you can do about it.

The 'spongers', in the main, are the sort of low life you get anywhere who expect to get benefits etc out without having paid anything in to the French system. There is a quirk in the way it works in France that people living off capital, and thus having low actual regular income, get given free health insurance, despite many of them being very wealthy people (and many of them not wanting the handouts, but they get no choice) and that rubs some French people up the wrong way. That loophole will most likely be closed.

As far as support of the elderly is concerned, then, yes, in France the family is expected to contribute, in terms of both actual and financial assistance, to its elderly members, and the state can chase them to do so. But if you look into the pension and retirement system in France, you will find that it has exactly the same problems regarding financial shortfall as that in Britain.

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We came on a E121 because we continue to receive Incapacity Benefit from England. We are under the double taxation agreement because IB is taxable, so instead of it being paid in UK the tax is payable in France instead. The double taxation agreement between UK and France means we are not paying tax twice.  We both receive pensions mine a Civil service Pension and my husband a Local Government Pension for which both the tax remains payable in the UK, this the law for 'public service' pensions. So we are incorporated into both tax systems and cannot escape either, but then we wouldn't want to.



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