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How long does it take Carte Vitales to arrive ?


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Earlier this year, there was a run of posts from people whose E106 was about to run out ( me included).

I did all the necessary in January and had a letter confirming all was in order and a new number given but haven't had my green card yet. It's not a big problem, I just wondered if everyone else had received their cards .

  BTW even though my UK cover ended in Jan , CPAM don't want any money from me until April so I suppose they could be waiting for that.

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So I am not alone then ?[:)]

It's not a big deal but I always have to go to the cash point before I go to the pharmacy ( I am not a hypochondriac!) just to make sure I have enough cash ... then I have to fill the form in and post it ...I look forward to the day when they can swipe my little green card and take less money from me.[:P]



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Our local pharmacie accepts the card, no payment, but doctor doesn't so back to paying and the brown form [:D] Last doctor we had did accept the card but we also had to pay ( no brown form). CPAM also paid him not us, this happened 4 times so we decided to change Doctors [blink]
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