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Eye Test's (Ophtalmologie)

Mr Wiggy

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There seems to be a lack of eye specialists in the Deux Sevres, as I am due for an eye test and a change of lenses every 2 years, I was advised by my Doctor to phone for a rendez-vous at Niort central hospital. The earliest  that I could get is October 16th, five months away. Have other folk had the same problem trying to get a simple eye test carried out?

I feel my only option is to do a quick trip back to the UK and pick up a perscription rather than wait.         Has anyone got any idea's or advice on this matter?

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It is the same here in the Sarthe.  If you're an every two years person, then put it in your diary to book 6 months before the next one.  In the meantime, a trip to the UK works fine as the opticians can read UK spectacle prescriptions here, no probs.  But you will have trouble getting any costs back from your CPAM if the eye-test was carried out over there.
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That's fairly average.

When I called round various ophtalmos, they quoted anything between 4 and 6 months.

I also found the actual check-up to be very basic compared to the ones I'd had in the UK. Given the chance, I would have got it done in the UK.

Also worth bearing in mind: specs are very expensive in France and the refund from the CPAM minimal.

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[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]

Have other folk had the same problem trying to get a simple eye test carried out?


Yes, it sounds like a fairly normal wait for an eye test.   You could always lose/damage your eye furniture and get an emergency appt. 

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Yes, it's one of those quirks of the French health system. You can get a hip replacement next week, but a routine eye test...

There are moves to open things up and offer eye tests in opticians' premises as in Britain, but things move slowly and you only tend to find such things in major towns. People from NW France often take a day trip to Jersey for an eye test.


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If anyone out there needs an eye test and lives within striking distance of Laval, Mayenne I have the number of a really good eye clinic where I had to wait only 3 weeks for an appointment, although I may have been lucky. The test itself was exhaustive and the whole thing took over an hour, which included an advice session on how to cope with my fist progressive lenses! And all for 36 odd euros, before reimboursement.

On the price of glasses, I got my progressives (new version of bifocals) for 180 euros complete which I thought was really good considering my last ones were only for reading, tv etc and cost £89 eight years ago! The new ones are really modern and I had a choice of about 15 frames within that price range.

Opthalmologist:   Polyclinique du Maine, 36 rue Ambroise Pare, Laval    ph.02 43 53 31 99 (they also do traditional and laser surgery there)

The glasses were from a chain of opticians called Krys.

I hope this of help,


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Hi Charlotte.

From the replies I have received it appears that an awful lot of people are suffering with the very same problem, the time lapse before an appointment. 4-6 months seems to be the norm, which is far to long to have to wait. Another very good tip along with your's, was to hop over to Jersey, there and back in a day and return with a new pair of specs.Reguarding the actual test, it will take roughly an hour for a through examination, for things such as glycoma and diabetes.

Along with yourself and all the other folk who had imput into my queary, Thank you all.                      

                                                   Mr W.

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Maybe it's a slightly better situation here in the south.  When I needed a eye test for new glasses a few months ago, I was offered an immediate appointment, the test was very thorough and when I had to have a further examination  it was a case of 'when do you want to come?'. This was in Mazamet in the Tarn Dept. (81)


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How does an eye test take an hour?     I've had two tests done in France, and in both cases they just stick you in front of modern gadgets and let the machines do all the working out.    The ophthalmos themselves seemed very bored, and who can blame them - they have so little input, their next step will probably be "here's the machine, test your own eyes"!

I've been to 3 different dentists in France as well, and have found the same.  Cursory glance around, and you're out again.   I can only think that maybe French people aren't bothered about regular checkups, and only go to the dentist if there's something wrong, so the dentist has a different expectation of you, i.e. it's up to you to tell him/her what's wrong?


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My daughter had the same experience as you at the eye clinic in Fougeres....a constant rotation of machines, glaucoma test and out. Couldn't have taken more than 20 minutes. But then, she has a very straightforward problem with her sight.  She also had to wait for 5 months for an appointment. Having discovered the clinic in Laval, she won't be going back there!

During my hour, I had the standard eye test like back in Britain performed by an optician. Then I had the glaucoma and diabetes tests and then I had a further test by the opthalmologist. Very thorough and professional.

Perhaps people should phone around when looking for an appointment. This is how I found the clinic I went to in the end, and I'm really glad I did.

On the dentist thing, just have a look at French peoples teeth and you'll easily see their attitude to dental care!!!!


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This is one area of France that I have not been happy with. Both my girls had eye tests last year. One has a very rare genetic cond that COULD affect the eyes, she used to have a 6 monthly check in UK by a specialist, with the dilation of the pupils etc........she had one test in Hospital in france that was thorough, then I made an appointment at the opthalmist for a test as she was struggling at school to see the board........I went armed with a translated sumarised version of her condition, he took a cursory glance and did a very quick eye test and gave us an ordinance......Other daughter has had reading glasses for about 5 years, she said they no longer helped her so we went off for a test, not impressed at all, just another prescription after a very quick test.

So I went for mine whenback in uk, I am blind as a bat , after over an hour with the optho, I had had, a presure test , a thorough sight test and a fields test........I now have to search out the best deals in glasses/lenses as my script in one eye is -9 (so a very expensive and thin lense requirement) also I like the transtion lense, so put all that into an equasion of thin and light Zeiss,transition and a pair of specs we are talking around 300 euros, with very little back from CPAM or mutual!

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[quote user="opas"]

(so a very expensive and thin lense requirement) [/quote]

Oh yes, tell me about those thin lenses!  [:)]  

I have used this time in the UK as a chance to sort out all my dental and eye things.  It may cost more (especially the dentist!)  but I'm happier with what I get for my money.

And now that you've made me think about thin lenses, I must get along to the opticians to order new lenses.  She said I can keep the frames and when the new lenses arrive they'll fit the lenses into my existing frames in the shop, so I don't have to wear my (thick!) spare pair.   Yippee!!!  

And the reason I'm getting new lenses is that the coating on my current ones is coming off in huge patches, and they just seem dirty all the time.  First time it's ever happened., and come to think of it, the only glasses I've bought in France.  [8-)]     Coincidence, surely?   [:)]

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I booked an apointment for my 12 year old son got it within the month so I thought I would book one for me the earliest I can get is June 2008 and that was in january, I was told under 18's and over 70's get priority, thank god I dont need them all the time or I have not lost mine, I think this is actually disgraceful, the centre was in Montmorillon
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Don't know if anyone is aware,  there was a french government proposal to allow the dispensing of spectacles without a  new prescription providing the original was less than three years old.  I don't know if it has been put into action yet. Like Rumzigal, my previous pair of (french) glasses had the coating coming off but only on one lens!



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What type of coating are you having problems with? Is it the anti-glare stuff that they convince you is a good idea for the computer or night driving!


I shall be sticking with Zeiss, they offer their own guarantee on top of the shop one, I did have a problem with them about 5 years ago and it was rectified without question.


Does anyone know of any good offers at the moment in France, I know that when I was in UK a few weeks ago i could have had a free transition lense at specsavers(I think) but they wouldn't have been ready before my return and didn't realy want to trust them to arrive by post!

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