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My husband is taking an 18 month "sabbatical" in France. He is self-employed in England and we are continuing to pay his NI here in England during his time in France. We have been told we should apply for E106 to cover him during his stay. I have also been told that he may have problems getting back into the NHS system when he returns to England. I cannot understand why, bearing in mind that he is continuing to pay his NI in England. Does anyone have any experience of this?

Hope someone out there can help!
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I cannot understand why either. It sounds as if you are doing everything properly. The only snag I can see is that if one is registered with an NHS dentist, they seem to de-register patients they don't see for a year or so, and it can be very difficult to get back into the dental system other than as a private patient.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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Let me try and increase your understanding.

The only qualification for treatment under the NHS is UK residency. And even though he will continue to pay NI contributions he will not be entitled to treatment under the NHS because he will be a resident of France. E106 requires you to actually affiliate to the system in France and, along with the form, proof of residence in France will need to be submitted. The issue of the E106 is a tacit admission that you are going to shed UK residency.

So if once affiliated in France your husband decides that he wants to go back to England for an operation, for example. he will not be entitled to treatment under the NHS. However should he make a temporary visit to England and require emergency treatment then he will be covered in view of the reciprocal arrangements in place.

Once his sabbatical is over and he returns to UK on a permanent basis then treatment under the NHS will again be available as he has once again becomes a UK resident.

What the UK authorities are trying to crack down on is people who are actually spending most of the time outside the UK, without taking out formal residence in that country, and returning to UK in the event of medical treatment being required.


Peter Owen
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  • 2 years later...

Do you know what type of proof the NHS require for residency when returning to UK? I have heard all sorts of "tales" such as 6 months water bills etc etc. But if I went back and lived with my son, for example ,I wouldn't have any household bills as proof.

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This is what the Dept of Health says:

Under the current Regulations, anyone who is taking up or resuming permanent residence in the UK is entitled to free National Health Service (NHS) hospital treatment in England. If your intention is to live permanently in the UK you will be exempt from hospital charges from the date of your arrival in the country but you should expect to be asked to prove your intention and that you are legally entitled to live here.

It is for you to decide what to supply, however examples of evidence could include:

  • documentation to prove you are entitled to live in the UK such as British Passport, permission from the Home Office;

  • documentation that proves your intention is to reside here permanently such as sale of goods/property overseas, receipts showing shipping of goods, looking for work, application for benefits, children are attending school.



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