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transfer of benefits of Carte Vitale


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Hi looks as we have sold here in Normandie save for the cooling off period and are moving elsewhere within France new challenge and I too am extending my 'legal bit' to do hopefully a bit more of Pro Bono in the UK and to research for a book I hope to write.  We shall see.

However please can someone give me some guidance in respect of CV's in that my wife benefits (if that is the word) for 100% cover in respect of an illness of over thirty years.

Does that cover automatically transfer when one moves in France for if it does not or there are likely to be problems then logic suggests we remain in Normandie.  I would like to think that CV are seamless in their operation but one never knows in France.

thanks again

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When we moved departments we filled out the address change on the gov site and received a request form CPAM in the new department stating we had to send all the docs again including any justifications etc.. For us it was a mistake because we are not under CPAM but RAM and they haven't asked for anything, with RAM I think it's different because they appear to operate centrally, our office is not in our old or new department, where as CPAM is localised.

Sorry not sure if that helps with your decision.


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As Panda points out, the CPAMs are locally based (there are 128 different CPAMS throughout Metropolitan France) so you'll have to register with your new local office.  As far as the 100% ALD status is concerned, I can't see any reason why they should not accept it given that it's already been approved by a medical commisssion (they may wish to contact your old CPAM for details) and carry it forward onto your new attestation.  If not, then just ask your new doctor to submit a fresh recommendation on your wife's behalf.

If this is so critical to your forthcoming move, then it would be a good idea to phone the new office and seek confirmation of the transfer position.



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