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I've got my E106 and have all my healthcare costs covered 100% by the state but if I want to go back to the UK to work for a few months how does that affect me?  Can I do this and then come back to France and work?

Can't seem to find a thread that answers the question so apologies if this has been asked a few times before.


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[quote user="Gemma"]

I've got my E106 and have all my healthcare costs covered 100% by the state



I can't answer your E106 query but this posting may jump it back up for one of the experts to answer.

What bothers me is the quote, above, from your post. I know from other threads that you've recently been diagnosed with an A. L. D. (affection de long durée).

You are covered 100% for the A. L. D. but not for other non related illnesses. For instance if you fell and twisted your ankle an understanding doctor could easily put that down to your existing medical condition and you would then be covered 100%.

If, however, you were to have an appendix problem i e something not related to your A. L. D. then you are only covered for the 65/70% reimbursement like everyone else. In that case, if you chose, you would need top up insurance to cover the costs not repaid by the French healthcare system.

I may have misunderstood your post and if so I apologise for teaching my grandmother...etc.....etc..........[:D]

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Also strangly enough , not everything that is covered by ALD is actually 100% covered. An example of this is, my daughter has a rare syndrome, her circulation is affected, this year she was offered some made to measure support tights, they cost roughly 50 euros we received back about 35 euros. I have checked this with the local CPAM and this is how it is!
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If you return to Britain to work then you will automatically be back in the NHS and paying NI (unless on the fiddle, but nobody here would dream of that, would they?). If you then resume your French residence and take up work then you will be paying into the French system so your E forms will be superseded. That's it in simple terms: things can be a bit more complicated if you are a worker on temporary assignment overseas, though from what you say that does not seem to apply in your case.
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One other point from your original post. I don't know what the current situation is in the UK but when Beta Interferon was originally available in the UK it was a bit of a post code lottery  to get it prescribed.

If you are thinking of working back in the UK make sure you can continue with your current treeatment in the area in which you decide to work.

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Yeah, I was told that I would have to cover any costs that were not to do with my condition.  I think I'm even liable for any hospitalisation I have with my illness...looking into it!  I know my treatment is covered though....

But basically there is no easy way to just go back to the UK for say a couple of months and work, then come back?  I was just thinking of going back for the winter months when things are quiet and doing some mad saving!  I'm more employable in the UK!  I'm not going to risk it though if it means it effects my treatment.  If I'd stayed in the UK I never would have been diagnosed!

Thanks for you help :o)

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