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Sick note in France


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When we move over (not long now...[:)]) I will continue working in UK for a couple of years.

I was sick in UK I would self certify for the first week then get a sick note from my doctor thereafter. 

Hopefully the situation will never arise but if I was sick in France for longer than a week and not able to get back to work does anybody know if sick notes exist and what the procedure would be for getting one ?

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A sick note (arrêt de travail) would be provided by a GP or a specialist.

It comes as a triplicate form, a copy for your employer, another for the CPAM admin and one for the CPAM doctor, who will look at the reason of the sick note.

Both the CPAM and the employer have to be informed within 48 hours of the form being handed over by the GP.

The sick note can be renewed but there are rules (same doctor or specialist)

If the sick note if for more than 3 months, the GP or the CPAM doctor can request that the patient be examined by an approved doctor to justify the duration of the sick note or to request a return to work.

The patient cannot refuse the exam unless he wants to lose his sick pay.

The rules for the sick person are quite strict and you are expected to be at home for 'surprise visits' or phone calls by inspectors, except for a few designated hours every day (set by the GP on the initial sick note usually after discussion with the patient), when he can be out to do his shopping.

For example, a relative recovering from a cancer operation and still covered by her sick note had to write to her CPAM in order to get authorisation to stay with us for a few days.
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Thanks Claire.

Interesting scenario.

As the note would simply be for my UK employer and I am neither employed by, nor would be claiming anything from anybody in France, I'm not sure how, or if, or why, CPAM, or anybody other should be interested in me ?

Can a private doctor issue a note without involving CPAM ?

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When my OH was off sick, he had a sick note off our GP, which was accepted without question by his UK employers. As has been mentioned, it is a French social security requirement that one doesn't leave the house other than for a certain period of time during the day, but of course, this doesn't apply to the UK workplace, so no-one is going to check up on you!!!


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

As the note would simply be for my UK employer and I am neither employed by, nor would be claiming anything from anybody in France, I'm not sure how, or if, or why, CPAM, or anybody other should be interested in me ?

Can a private doctor issue a note without involving CPAM ?


The doctor doesn't involve CPAM, the patient does.  If you as the patient don't send off the relevant parts, then nothing happens.  I had this when I went to have my wisdom teeth out when I was a student, they did the arret de travail automatically, but I just threw it away.

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