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I'm in the position of having moved here 6 weeks ago. Tomorrow I will finally find a moment to go and apply for my carte vitale at CPAM but know this takes a few weeks to come through. I'll then sort out top-up insurance etc. However, right now, I'm having a bit of a medical problem which would require me seeing a doctor and probably having some tests. Am I still under the English system even though I have a French address only? Will I have to pay and will it be reimbursed? Should I produce my EHIC (if I can find it!)

All my books deal with once you're resident and sorted with all the proper documentation, not with the sort of grey area between two systems I'm in at the moment...

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Go and get your self registered into the system ASAP, if in the interim of waiting for you cate vital to arrive you need to see a doctor, you will need to pay for your treatment, you will be given a form to complete at home (you should be issued with a SS no at the CPAM, ) so you fill out the form send it to your caisse and eventually.....could be about 6 weeks ....you will get your money back.
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Not quite true, although the E111 was for emergencies only, the EHIC is a bit wider in scope: from the UK Dept of Health web site...

The EHIC is normally valid for three to five years and covers any medical treatment that becomes necessary during your trip, because of either illness or an accident. The card gives access to state-provided medical treatment only, and you'll be treated on the same basis as an 'insured' person living in the country you're visiting. Remember, this might not cover all the things you'd expect to get free of charge from the NHS in the UK. You may have to make a contribution to the cost of your care.

The EHIC also covers any treatment you need for a chronic disease or pre-existing illness. You need to make arrangements in advance for kidney dialysis and oxygen therapy. To arrange for kidney dialysis while you're away, contact your NHS renal unit in the UK before you travel. For limited information on oxygen supply services in the EEA countries and Switzerland, call the Department of Health's Customer Service Centre on 020 7210 4850.

Remember that the EHIC won't cover you if getting medical treatment is the main purpose of your trip. You are advised to take out comprehensive private insurance for visits to all countries, regardless of whether you are covered by your EHIC.

Your EHIC should cover you for routine maternity care while you are away. However, if you are going to an EEA country or Switzerland specifically to have your baby, you will need an E112 form - see the 'Non-emergency treatment section' for more information.

It also says that the EHIC is for those who are 'ordinarily resident' in UK. So arguably it could cover you while you are transferring to French residency. But you should not depend on it - best to get registered with the French system ASAP. As long as you keep the paperwork (feuilles de soins) for your treatment and medication you will be able to get the same refunds as any French resident once you have your SS number.

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Thanks for the help. Ironically, went to my local CPAM office this morning to register and the man who covers it and other local offices is off sick until further notice!

Will do the biz in Limoges on Friday instead. Surely they can't all be off sick!

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Not wishing to argue but a friend was here recently following an accident, long duree, and he needed to go to hospital and have medical treatment in France.  The hospital, GP and CPAM all said that his Euro card was only for emergency treatment and therefore it did not cover him for treatment.

Tho of course it could just be the Dordogne CPAM reading the rules the same way tho having all three branches agreeing seems rather odd.

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