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Changing your medecin traitant


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I don' t doubt that this subject has been touched on before but a search did not really provide the answer that I need.  I am new to France, signed up with the doctor recommended by expats near me on the basis that this doctor speaks English and has an appointment system.  However, having been to see the doc on 2 occasions now, I am less than impressed.  I plan to change my medecin traitant.  I am now confident enough to go to a doctor who is competent and caring and I don't really mind whether they speak English or not.  So, can anyone out there give me the Janet-and-John version of what I need to do.  Please be patient and take me through the process step by step

I must say that I have never so missed dear old Dr Jones and his "And what seems to be the problem today?"  Just goes to show  how quickly one's perspective can change (and how)! 

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It's not difficult to do - if you have a printer then you can download a new form here (takes a while to load and needs Adobe installed on your PC):


Complete it, take it to your new doctor for signing and stamping, or leave it with his secretary, then send it to your Caisse d'Assurance Maladie, no explanation needed.

If you cannot print it off then ask your Caisse for a copy - Déclaration de choix du médecin traitant.

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Bless you.  Thank you so much for coming to my rescue.  Wonderful to get a message from you again.  Feels like a real homecoming!  Will now find the new traitant (recommended by my French neighbour) and make an appointment tout de suite.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just thought I'd let you know, and also to perhaps inform others interested, that I printed out the form as advised by you, filled it in and took it to my new medicin traitant

She was in the middle of a busy surgery session and was really pleased I had all my form filled in ready for her signature, had my carte vitale ready, the bit of info from the top-up insurance that enables automatic repayment, all my medications printed out.

Result, I had a really good consultation with her and she gave me my prescription "a renouveler", wrote a letter to the hospital for me to have some minor surgery, wrote a prescription to a "pedo.." (I think some sort of podiatrist) for orthopedic soles for my shoes.  I am guessing at the last bit because she looked at my feet and then at my shoes and said something about my having flat feet and needing to see someone about it!

She also took my blood pressure and also, unfortunately, my weight.  Didn't particularly want to know my weight but, well, you have to take the rough with the smooth don't you?

Will now print out your form again and send the husband along to change HIS doctor as well.  It really was a painless process and not the least bit embarrassing as nobody asked any questions about why I wanted to change my doctor or, indeed, whether I already had a doctor

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Sweet 17, I suspect that French doctors were so familiar with the alleged national habit of visiting every doctor on the planet, prior to the introduction of the "medecin traitant" that they just think it's situation normal when you want to change.

Glad it worked out OK.

Edit : I have visited my doctor several times, but always as a translator, never as a patient, so have avoided the embarassment of being weighed thus far - but she does seem to put all her patients through this as a matter of routine....

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