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French National vs EU Citizen


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I saw on another forum that French Nationals that were not "active" would still be provided health cover.

Can someone confirm if this is the situation:

"Active" meaning someone working and paying taxes to an EU government who may or may not be residing in the same EU State taxes are being paid. For example, someone works in the UK, but is a resident of France or works in Germany and is a resident of Austria etc.

French Nationals who are "active" or not still receive health cover regardless.

EU Citizens who are not "active" and without E106 or E121 or E109 cover will not be covered when the cards expire.

This raises a basic issue:

French Nationals being treated different than resident EU citizens.  If this is true, isn't the French Gov't breaking EU law?

Also I have raised this before - if someone is resident in France for 5 years, why don't they just apply for French citizenship and bypass Sarko's ruling? I hold two passports and applied for my EU passport (though my family connections) to get around British immigration laws. 

So if French nationals are still being provide health cover whether they are "active" or not, Sarko's ruling in theory has a 5 year maximum if French citizenship is obtained.  With an E106 cover for two years, that can be reduced down to 3 years.

It seems to me the arguements in the forums have turned from fighting the ruling to now exploiting the loopholes Sarko has left open.





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