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Health Cover Policies


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I am having a house built in France with a view to moving there on a permanent basis next year.  I appreciate that with an E106 I shall need additional top-up cover and that when the E106 expires it will be necessary to take out full private insurance. 

What I would like to do is take out a top up cover policy which gives me an automatic entitlement to convert it to a full private cover policy on the expiry of my E106 on a no questions asked basis.  I am 57 and currently in good health.

My concern is that if during the term of the E106, I were to develop a condition which would mitigate against private medical cover I will then be up the swanny and have to leave France.

Do people think top-up policies with a right to switch to full private cover will become available?

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Hello Golfclan,

It is far from certain, in my opinion, that holders of E106 will have to take out private insurance when it expires. I know the French authorities want to implement this measure but it is fraught with difficulties. Clarification should be forthcoming quite soon as there will be many who have E106s that expire in January.



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To convert from top up to full cover (with no questions asked) will be most unlikely as the insurer will have to assume the full risk and there is the question of pre-existing conditions - particularly if they are long term. Providers will simply reject the application or apply specific exclusions.



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On the other hand, provision of full private health insurance cover in France has been a rather specialised minority business up to now. With the prospect of a lot more business from non-French non-actifs, I think we can expect to see more insurers offering such cover and competing with each other - such as the present providers of top-ups as well as the likes of BUPA, and possibly Saga etc. Just as they do in Spain. So there could well be some attractive offers to win your business, which might include discounts to existing top-up policy holders. However I totally agree with Owen that it is very unlikely that new policies will be totally comprehensive with no questions or medical examinations, or that initial discounts will be maintained for long.
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Thank you Own and Will.

A possible strategy might be to take out private cover when in good health (by that I mean do not use the E106 and take out private cover immediately one moves to France) and keep paying for it until you reach state pension age.  That way you would eliminate the risk that I referred to in my earlier posting.

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