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E106 do i renew it


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I have been living here for 7 months,when I arrived,I passed on my e106 to the cpam and received my carte vitale very quickly.

What I need to know do I need to get another e106 for the second year or what happens or does the carte vitale expire or does cpam update it.

I just need to know what I have to do.

I think the carte vitale is ok until December.

I would be grateful for some advice.

Many thanks


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Given the situation as it appears to stand at present, you should apply to the UK for an E106 extention if you are entitled to it (you may not be if you have not paid sufficient NI contributions).  If you cannot extend it, you should get a letter from the Centre for Non-Residents in the UK, saying that your entitlement has ended.  After that, in the past, you could apply to join the CMU de base (French health care scheme.)  However, if the rules announced and being clarified at present are correct, after that you will have to take out full private health cover. 


para 2 applies to you (assuming you do not work)

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[quote user="derf"]The attestation you got with your Carte Vitale should have an expiry date on it, it's normally up to two years if you paid the required amount of NI contributions in the UK.
[/quote]Derf, oddly, we had the same thing as the o/p, we got short term E106's which were extended by Newcastle for a further 2 years, and we had to return to our CPAM to have our Cartes Vitales updated.  This may be what's happened in her case.
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