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I'm in stitches...Help!


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Well, there's been a development.  As we all know, nothing is straightforward in France.  Today, ANOTHER nurse called.  I explained her colleague has already been and where the confusion lay.

Then, a trip to the doctor's.  Thought it would be easier than ringing as I don't think she has a receptionist.  Joined the queue, waited in line (only third), was well over an hour.  Eventually, got to see Madame la medecin, who opened her arms and kissed me on both cheeks.

Explained that I needed an ordnance.  She asked how I knew I needed one.  I showed her the brown form from the nurse and showed her where the stitches needed taking out.  I said to her, you do remember sending me to the hospital, don't you?  She said, yes, of course.  Gave me the necessary form and 2 further kisses on my cheeks.  Wow, much as I loved my GP in Wales, SHE never kissed me on both cheeks.  So I left the surgery happy as Larry even though I'd waited over an hour.

Now, Gardian, this information is specially for you.  The nurse who came today was NOT blonde but brunette.  However, she was as slim as the blonde goddess and looked as scrumptious.  OH said, "I'd like the pulses of both wrists to be taken at the same time"

Sorry to go on so about this.  They ARE only THREE miserable stitches but I thought it might be of help to anyone who might not have had anything to do with nurses and would welcome some first-hand information,

Anybody know how these nurses earn their money?  They offered to come to the house even though I would have been perfectly capable of going to their place of work (wherever that might have been).  But, I certainly can't complain about lack of attention. Do these superior looking creatures really have to compete for work in order to be paid?

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I have nurses come to the house to take blood samples every 28 days, one is just stunning and only about 5 feet tall.  The others are just lovely, always chat, always helpful to the extent the senior one has asked for my number because of the number of Brits in the area she has to visit who either have no French or can't understand enough French to get their tests or injections done and as I'm so into the French health system, she thinks I can help.

They offer to come every evening, Monday to Friday, to do my chemo injections but as I can do them myself for the time being and if I can't, OH can - top tip, never ever upset somebody who's likely to stick a needle ANYWHERE in your body - so as much as I enjoy their company and our chats, I decline.

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I hope you get on just fine.  I know I have made a bit of a joke about my minor health problems, such as they are, but I will think of you and how matter-of-factly you cope with your much more considerable challenge.

Sometimes, I think it's good to make light of things and have a laugh about whatever it is.  That is, as long as one realises that the underlying problem could be quite serious and that there are many, many others out there whose problems are far from easily solved.

Tony, you look after yourself and you keep enjoying the sight of your pretty nurses and you just keep hanging in there, making the most of everything France and life has to offer.

Thank you for involving yourself with my take on all that is enjoyable and infurating about France.  I am glad you have taken it in the right spirit.  It's all a way of saying "whatever life can throw at me, I'm going to come out fighting"

Bestest wishes 



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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Now, Gardian, this information is specially for you.  The nurse who came today was NOT blonde but brunette.  However, she was as slim as the blonde goddess and looked as scrumptious.  [/quote]

What on earth is going on over there in CM?

Almost all of the nurses I've ever come across down here look like that SMERSH agent (with the razor blade in her toecaps) in the early James Bond film - what was her name?  Add to that, whatever the opposite of charisma is, they've usually got it.

CM sounds like a sort-of male Nirvana.


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Our one always drives as if he is in a formula one racing car instead of a clapped out Opel - bit hairy if you meet him coming down the lane on a blind bend and he always looks as if he could do with a good scrub but...... he is very gentle!!! even if he does turn up at 7.30am to do a blood test.  He also loves to practise his pidgin English on me! It can be quite hilarious.
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I have had three nurses in the last four years.  The first was always in a tearing hurry and never seemed able to find a vein when taking blood.  I was in tears and black and blue after each of her visits.  The second was so-so and the third is wonderful.  Despite the now rather awful state of my veins she's able to draw blood without hurting me, something I worship her for.  She's also bright, cheerful and never fails to ask how my treatment is going and sympathise.


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Thought I'd wrap up this thread by reporting what happened to me.

The blonde one came and hurt me some (but then, it's only 3 stitches).  How can you possibly trust someone who is THIN and BLONDE?

Paid her 14 euros something.  It'll have to be the brunette NEXT time!

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