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E106 and Carte Vitale in Lot et Garonne


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CPAM will not give me a proper Carte Vitale only an Attestaion de Droits which is a royal PIA

. They say its policy as my rights are temporary.

Is there anyone in 47 who is on an E106 who has been given a real Carte Vitale? My insurance agent said many others she knows have them!

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But you circumstances may differ from other people's circumstances ESB - there is probably a better or more comprehensive reason for the refusal.  Are you only in France temporarily?

You have given very little detail to make a more detailed response possible other than most people don't have a problem but it is all down to you person circumstances.

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[quote user="ESB"]

CPAM will not give me a proper Carte Vitale only an Attestaion de Droits which is a royal PIA [/quote]

ESB (by the way, used to be the name of a great beer in Hampshire!)

Did you provide a full birth certificate, as opposed to the short one?  I only got the Attestation de Droit, until I provided a full birth certificate, and was then immediately sent my Carte Vitale.

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[quote user="ESB"]I think I gave them a full birth certificate. The only reason I was given was that because rights were under an E106 no CV would be issued and that was the normal thing in  47.[/quote]

We were told the same thing in 56 with our E 106's - and truely we did not receive a carte vitale until we had completed a CMU form after our E forms expired.



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I'm curious spg, how long did your E106s run for, and when did they expire?  My understanding would be that prior to the begining of september (when the new rules started to be aired), on presentation of your E106, as long as all your other paperwork was in order, that you would be absolutely entitled to a Carte Vitale.  We took all our paperwork to the CPAM in july last year, and (bar the problem over the short birth certifcate), were immediately (or as immediately as it gets en francais) issued with our Cartes Vitale.

But as with everything in France, the rules are always open to local interpretation[:@]

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[quote user="Maricopa"]

But as with everything in France, the rules are always open to local interpretation[:@] [/quote]

That must have been it. We just had the attestation until our (short) E106 ran out and then we received our CVs after completing CPAM forms for CMU.


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This E106 was issued from 1st January 2007 and we have had one the year before so it doen't relate to the new healthcare issues. I did ask vfor a CV on renewal of the E106 but I was simply told E106 = no CV just an Attestation. Daft really as more work and bother for all concerned.

The reason I raised the query now is that the Insurance agent couldn't believe that we didn't have one.

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[quote user="ESB"]Of course the fact that I am in the system is more important than an actual CV but that was not the point of my original question which was about CPAM's approach in 47.[/quote]

You're basing this posting on what your insurance broker has told you about other people even though the responses so far have been factual.

It's probable that your insurance broker wouldn't even know what an E 106 is if one bit her on her bum.  [:D]

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What I asked about in the original post related to CPAM and 47. There have been several helpful and constructive posts in and around the topic. My agent has many anglais and dutch clients and does know what an E106 is so no bum biting there. What I was trying to find out was if anyone in 47 did have a CV as she suggested.  I don't really understand your point Benjamin.
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When we moved to Lot et Garonne a year ago we were already on CMU. We had to fill in all the forms and produce certificates, passports etc the same as if it had been a new application, but after about 3 weeks we did receive Cartes Vitale. I wonder if CPAM are holding off issuing new CV's with the changes to cover for British people as they know that you won't be in the system for long.
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Not in 47, but not very far away in 65 - we joined CPAM with E106s and received paper attestation and were told we wouldn't get a CV until we joined "permanently" - NB this was two years ago.

I subsequently got a job and notified CPAM of the change in circumstances and voila - new attestation, new number and a CV.  Our original numbers were temporary ones - you can tell this if they begin with a 7 or 8 - "proper" numbers begin 2 for a woman and 1 for a man.


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In the Aude - MOH had to wait a year for her CV on an e106.  In the end she was one of the very first in the dept to receive the new photo style CV so I assumed that was the problem - but maybe not.

The attestation is fine - if a bit of a pain with the paperwork but we did find a problem with the temporary SS numbers. Our preferred insurance provider will not issue "top-up" policies on the temporary numbers. Something to do with their "system" they said.






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[quote user="ESB"]

This E106 was issued from 1st January 2007 and we have had one the year before so it doen't relate to the new healthcare issues. I did ask vfor a CV on renewal of the E106.


I don't undersatmd ESB's post at all, since when did E 106s for retired people get renewed?  They are not issued annually unless you are working, so are you working ESB?  If not, what were you renewing and with whom, it was certainly not an E 106, they are issued by the UK.

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Oh dear Ron - why not ? It's all there really. I think you have made some wrong assumptions. I didn't say e.g. 'E106 for me as a retired person' which I am not, and why say 'certainly not issued by the UK'.  At no stage did I say where it was issued, which BTW was by Newcastle i.e. the UK . 

Also E106s are issued annually for normally for up to 2 and a bit years depending on when it starts and for 5 years as a working E106 (and maybe longer!).

Thanks for the all the  other posts as well - I am starting to get the picture which seems to be that some/most departments wont give a CV in these circumstances. I am still hoping someone in the same postion as me in 47 can let me know if its the same for them.

Fullers Extra Special Bitter is the inspiration BTW.[:D]


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Is it all there ESB ?  If so,  why are you editing my post and misquoting me?  You said ........and why say 'certainly not issued by the UK'

My post above for all to see,  said "I  don't understand ESB's post at all, since when did E 106s for retired people get renewed?  They are not issued annually unless you are working, so are you working ESB?  If not, what were you renewing and with whom, it was certainly not an E 106, they are issued by the UK.!

So, if you are not retired (not of retirement age) then under what regime was your E 106 issued?  If its as an "inactif", they are normally issued once and not annually, unless of course mine was the exception.

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Can we just keep posts to dealing with the question I first asked. I choose not to answer the last post (before RusetHouse moderation that is) as it is off topic. This is not a contest between me and ANOther.

BTW Cooperlola E106 is a European form and mine was issued by the UK.

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