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Cessation of Healthcare for 'Non-actifs'


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Hi ,


      The French Government are removing ‘Healthcare’ provision for all UK nationals living in France who are under UK retirement age (65 for men-60 for women) and are  insisting that they take out private medical cover.

 This is impossible if they have a pre-existing medical condition and therefore effectively removes all medical provision, unless they have substantial monetary resources to pay directly to the French authorities.


This condition does not apply to French nationals living in the UK as they are provided for by the NHS.


We are campaigning against this and would greatly appreciate your support if you go to the following link and add your signature. Simply copy and paste it into your browser.




                                       Many thanks



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Hi again,

               I have read the postings on this issue, but I cannot find another link for signing  the online petition.


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I think there is one as I signed a petition earlier this week, could it be a different one ?

I'll have a look

Edit: Same one http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/healthinFrance/ Some people have had problems getting their confirmation emails though.

rothrugby reminded us about it on this thread yesterday: http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/22/1029167/ShowPost.aspx#1029167

Doesn't hurt to encourage people to sign though, does it?[:D][:D]

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