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Joining French health system, is this how it might work?


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I must confess to not fully understanding all the in's and out's of the way the French health system is run, so please bear with me on this.

We still hope to move to France, but the recent changes in the Healthcare rules have made things a bit muddled for us. [8-)]

Quick run down is, myself early 50's, OH late 40's and receiving DLA at highest rate.

If we buy a house in France in the near future, would the following plan work for us, or could anyone please point out why it may not?

Buy the house in France, and move into it permanently at the beginning of January 2009, obtaining E106, which as I have paid full NI contributions for many years, should last up to beginning of January 2011.

We would also need top up insurance for both of us, but as my wife should receive 100% in relation to her pre existing conditions, (subject to a French Doctor agreeing on this) then the costs of the top up would be the same as any couple in good health at the given ages. 

During this two year period, get the house and outbuildings ready to run as a Gites/C-d-H concern, register this as a business and pay contributions into the French heathcare system. This should allow both myself and my wife to join the French healthcare system.

Now I have three questions which I need help with for this scenario:

1: "IF" part of the DLA is hopefully going to be payable in France to my wife, and "IF" we were able to obtain a E121 on the grounds that DLA may become an exportable benefit, how long does an E121 given on health grounds, and not  for pensionable age last? Is it subject to reviews, and if so, would that be in France or the UK?

2: Does anyone have any idea how much the contributions to the healthcare would be on starting a Gites/C-d-H, business. How are they charged and at what rates?

3: Would it be wise to pay contributions in just my name, and have my wife piggy-back, or would it be better if we both paid contributions?

I guess that all the other costs payable like tax and social charges, would be linked to actual earnings of the business.

As this is the only way I can see that we will be able to make the move, in view of the fact that Private healthcover would not be an option for my wife, I would very much welcome your comments and thoughts/flaws on this plan.

Clutching at straws? [blink]


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