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Caught between two healthcare systems


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My friends have a health cover dilemma.  They have lived here for over three years and no longer covered by the British healthcare system and their application for a French carte vital has been turned down. Until now they have not worked in France, but have recently set up in business here.   They now cannot get private medical insurance because they do not have a social security number and just to add to the complications their third child is due any day.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a way out of this?  Help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

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"but have recently set up in business here.   They now cannot get private medical insurance because they do not have a social security number "

If they are in business they don't need PHI, they will be paying cotisations and get health cover via that route. You sure you have the full story here?

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[quote user="Peekaboo"]

My friends have a health cover dilemma.  They have lived here for over three years and no longer covered by the British healthcare system and their application for a French carte vital has been turned down. Until now they have not worked in France, but have recently set up in business here.   They now cannot get private medical insurance because they do not have a social security number and just to add to the complications their third child is due any day.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a way out of this?  Help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks



There is a bit of missinformation going on here.

If they came here 3 years ago on an E106 and registered with CPAM then they would have been given a Social Security number.

If they came here 3 years ago and relied on a european health insurance card (the new E111) then they will not have a social security number and for the past 3 years been acting illegally by using the EHIC for health cover.

If it is the first case then either thro choice or lack of knowledge when the E106 expired they should have applied for health cover via CMU .

This they obviously did not do.

They have now fallen into the trap ,because of the new rules, as they stand at the moment, of being unable to register for cover under CMU

It is correct to say that they will not be able to obtain TOP UP assurance ,not because they do not have a social security number,but because they do not have any health cover,ie. an attestation from CPAM as to their health cover rights.

The only way forward is to commence work register the buisness pay cotisations obtain health cover that way and if they wish pay for top up assurance. 


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I am actually sitting with my friends now so they are very grateful for your responses. 

On expiry of the E106 May this year, they went to the CMU and they took all their health records and relevant documentation from UK .  It took until September for the CMU to turn them down.  Can they contest this?

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[quote user="Peekaboo"]

I am actually sitting with my friends now so they are very grateful for your responses. 

On expiry of the E106 May this year, they went to the CMU and they took all their health records and relevant documentation from UK .  It took until September for the CMU to turn them down.  Can they contest this?

[/quote]This really depends on the grounds upon which they were turned down.  Perhaps they had not completed their tax returns in France since they arrived here? - in which case they have no comeback as they were breaking the law.  Normally, once one's E106 expired, then CMU entry was pretty much automatic.  This is no longer the case.  If they can prove that they should have been allowed CMU entry then they may be able to continue to be covered - depending upon the outcome of the new regulations  - as the posters above have said - at the very least until the end of March next year.  If the reason for their rejection was legitimate then they have no comeback and should go to a good accountant and get their business on a proper footing so they can pay cotisations and get health cover via that route.  Otherwise, as things stand, unless they have full private health insurance, they are not legally allowed to live here, in theory, any more!


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When we set up our business we went to the Chamber Of Commerce to register and they sent all the details to the various organisations to register us for health etc.

We have still not yet paid any cotisations (although we have had the bills) as they are paid in arrears and are not yet due for payment until February.

It took about 6 weeks from visiting the Chamber Of Commerce until we recieved our paper attestations for healthcare and about a further month before we recieved our carte vitale's. However even before we recieved these we were told that we would be covered for health care from the date of registration of our business. We would have to pay any health bills ourselves but would then be able to claim the costs once we recieved the attestations.

As a previous poster suggested, if the business has been registered correctly then I would imagine that your friends would be covered by something similar to what I have described.

Do not forget that your friends will still have to purchase private top insurance.

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I still don't believe you or we have the full story here.  You get an E 106 if you are living, not working in France. They normally expire in January up to 2 years after you move to France but the length of validity of the E 106 depends on how much NI was paid in the previous three years in the UK.

However, it has been known for E 106's with odd expiry dates to be issued. so assuming the expiry date of May 2007 is correct, on expiry of the E 106,  they had to get a letter in English and French from the UK DWP to state that they no longer had cover under the E 106 form and take it to their CPAM with details of income/bank details/birth/marriage/address etc.

From the date of handing in the E 106 provided that all the proof of status, residence etc have been satisfied, they were in the CMU, although they might have had to wait a few days for a paper Attestation. If your friends were not allowed into the CMU in May 2007, what grounds were given?  As far as I know nobody who was in the CMU before 1 October 2007 has been expelled........  yet.

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