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Hi there,

Wrote recently on here about applying for an E106 but no one ( at least I dont think as there are so many threads) has said what I do with it when I receive it!

Am I eligable for a Carte Vitale now so will get all meds at a lower cost?

Who do I contact?

Thank you

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You have to visit your local CPAM office and register for state heathcare insurance cover.  You show them your passports, marriage certificates, etc and hand over your E106 which certifies that the UK will be paying your state heathcare insurance 'subscriptions' during it's period of validity.  Once you're registered, you'll be covered for around 70% of your treatment/medication costs and you'll have to purchase a small complimentary insurance to cover the remaining 30%.  Your CPAM will issue you with an attestation showing you're covered and you'll receive the carte vitale at a later date.  The carte vital is not essential - it just automates the payment of your treatment costs.  Without it, you have to pay, then claim the money back from your CPAM.  You'll need the CPAM attestation to produce to your complimentary insurer.

Note that the proposed changes to the system (read the rest of the threads) will mean that, as it stands at the moment, you will no longer benefit from state health cover once your E106 expires, so you'll then have to purchase a private insurance policy.



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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

You have to visit your local CPAM office and register for state heathcare insurance cover.  You show them your passports, marriage certificates, etc and hand over your E106 which certifies that the UK will be paying your state heathcare insurance 'subscriptions' during it's period of validity. [/quote]

Hi Hollie

Excellent advice as usual from SD but please don't forget to make at least one copy of your E106 and keep it very safe before you hand over the original to anyone.


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[quote user="Hollie"] Is it necessary to take insurance for the remainder (30%) or can I just pay as I go along... [/quote]

AFAIK you are not obliged to have a 'complémentaire'  but it will very much depend on your circumstances whether you decide to go with one or not. We have quite a few friends - both French and English - who don't bother at all. We do but just for hospitalisation, including x-rays and things like eye-tests, blood tests etc.


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