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Health regulations - any hope for me?


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I read this comment on another site, allegedly said by the French authorities.....

"Those who have chronic or pre-existing conditions which prevent them from obtaining private health insurance, may appeal for entry into the CMU."

I bought my French house a few years ago to renovate and retire to it when it was finished. After bringing my hard earned cash from England and pouring it into the French coffers, that work will be concluded this year. However, I have now given up hope of moving there as I am under retirement age and have two chronic conditions. Does anybody know if the above statement offers some hope to me?


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If you plan to retire early and come to France, then you will have to provide proof of sufficient resources and your own health insurance.  If you qualify for an E106, then this counts as your own health insurance.  However, once the E106 expires, then you will have to obtain private health cover in order to remain in France. After five years regular and uninterrupted stay, you obtain the right of permanent residency and the above conditions no longer apply and you may apply to join the CMU.

After you have arrived here, if you then experience an 'accident of life', ie something that happens that is outside your control and which makes it no longer possible for you to afford your private heath insurance, then you may appeal to join the CMU.  The event must have been unforseeable at the time of entry into France, so arriving with a pre-exisiting condition does not qualify.

The way the rules have been drafted, it's a no-win situation really - to retire early to France, you need private insurance.  If you are ill, you can't get it.  Ergo, if you are ill, you can't retire to France.....[:(]


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

 if you then experience an 'accident of life', ie something that happens that is outside your control and which makes it no longer possible for you to afford your private heath insurance, then you may appeal to join the CMU.  The event must have been unforseeable at the time of entry into France.



I wonder if this clause could apply to some of us who have been here for a couple of years or more whose E106s run out Jan 2008.

Something has happened outside of our control - ie CMU affiliation rule changes

No longer possible for us to afford health insurance - previously UK funded via E106 so met the requirement for health insurance on arrival.

Unforseeable at the time of entry into France - had at that time sufficient funds to see us through until E121




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Hester, we have been told by the Embassy that a "further statement" is expected with regard to those whose E106s are about to expire, who have chronic or pre existing conditions; but they will not comment as to what is in it!  I am sure this is of great comfort to you with around a fortnight to go.[Www]  We will keep you posted.

As far as the o/p is concerned, Sunday Driver is correct as far as we can see.  However, we do know that this whole sorry business has caused quite an upset at EU level, and there are moves afoot to "clarify" the healthcare rules for member states.  Sadly, the Union moves at a snail's pace so I would not bank on them!  Lobby your MEP to sign the Honeyball Declaration, which calls for universal state healthcare throughout the union, which would put this thing to bed (if that is not an unfortunate phrase in the circs.) once and for all.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Hester, we have been told by the Embassy that a "further statement" is expected with regard to those whose E106s are about to expire, who have chronic or pre existing conditions;...


I hope the French gov are not going to start discriminating against the fit and healthy !!


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[quote user="Deimos"][quote user="cooperlola"]

Hester, we have been told by the Embassy that a "further statement" is expected with regard to those whose E106s are about to expire, who have chronic or pre existing conditions;...


I hope the French gov are not going to start discriminating against the fit and healthy !!

[/quote]Me too, but this whole fiasco tempts me to think that nothing is impossible.[:-))]
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