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E121 validity NI contributions


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  • 3 weeks later...

That wretched married women's thing caught me too!  It is definitely a breach of Equal Opportunities - but the Commission doesn't cover pensions.

I worked for the Probation Service for about 10 years but when I asked the Personnel officer as she was then called, about changing to full NHS contributions, she said 'why bother?  You get sick pay, are unlikely to be redundant and will get a pension on your husband's NHI'.  She forgot to point out I'd get no pension till he's 65, - when I'll be 66, and then only 70%. Double whammy as I wasn't allowed to join their pension scheme as I was part-time!

Anyway, I did eventually change and managed to get 10 years in and a tiny pension.

I'm confused about these E things: as I will be 61 when we hope to move to France, do I try for an E121 straight away?  Will my husband be covered by either?  He'll only be 60.

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The lack of info available to us about the married womans contribution is now  in modern terms unbelievable.I was informed by the Social themselves to change to the married womans stamp. Hey ho.

If you are in receipt of old age pension I would go straight for the E121. Your husband will be covered by your E121 but make sure he is listed on the form.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Poppy, I'm sorry that I panicked you about the E121.  It's just that at the moment we're all trying to work out what's best for the future after what's been happening and you begin wonder just what else might be in the pipeline.   Anyway many thanks for posting about your call to Newcastle.  Regards Hester.
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  • 1 month later...

having paid married womans stamp almost all of my working life my state pension is MINIMAL( if I had it paid to me in France the bank charges would be more than it!!) but I am now the proud (and relieved) owner of my E121. I would think you may well be in the same boat

DWP were very helpful, Good luck


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[quote user="lacote0_0"]Sorry if this question has already been addressed elswehere, but does the widowed dependant of the person holding the E121 continue to be entitled to healthcare even though not entitled to an E121 in his/ her own right?
[/quote]If one is widowed whilst living in France, and one's E121 entitlement via a "dependee" is no longer available, you may apply to subscribe to the CMU under the "accident de vie" provisions of the new rules.
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