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I'm on  the search again.  Been trawling all the links everyone has kidly posted for me and my eyes are crossed from all the reading.  I'm still not clear about being entitled to the E 121.  This may be granted on the grounds of being in receipt of long term Incapacity Benefit, but my award is paid from income support IN LEIU of Incapacity Benefit (which includes severe disablement component)  so i'm not sure if this is the same thing. I suspect not as the wording of terms and conditions seems to be an exact science to the  benefit of the DWP when there's the chance of a loophole.  Can the E 121 be granted on the basis of being in receipt of DLA at all?  Hope someone out there can enlighten me. Thanks guys.
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[quote user="bodie"]I'm on  the search again.  Been trawling all the links everyone has kidly posted for me and my eyes are crossed from all the reading.  I'm still not clear about being entitled to the E 121.  This may be granted on the grounds of being in receipt of long term Incapacity Benefit, but my award is paid from income support IN LEIU of Incapacity Benefit (which includes severe disablement component)  so i'm not sure if this is the same thing. I suspect not as the wording of terms and conditions seems to be an exact science to the  benefit of the DWP when there's the chance of a loophole.  Can the E 121 be granted on the basis of being in receipt of DLA at all?  Hope someone out there can enlighten me. Thanks guys.[/quote]


I suggest you give the DWP a call

If you want to know more about benefits and related healthcare cover write to:

Department for Work and Pensions
The Pension Service
International Pension Centre
Tyneview Park
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE98 1BA

When you write, please tell us:

  • your full name;

  • your date of birth; and

  • your National Insurance number (if you know it).

If you are phoning or sending a fax from outside the UK, dial the international code, then:
tel: 44 191 21 87777
fax: 44 191 21 83836

You can phone or fax The Pension Service, Tyneview Park, on:
tel: 0191 21 87777
fax: 0191 21 83836

If you are on holiday or you are visiting another EEA country for a short time, read booklet, “Health advice for travellers“, instead. You can get a copy from any UK Post Office, or further information is available from the internet at www.dh.gov.uk/travellers, from the DH Publications Orderline on 08701 555 455 or by emailing dh@prolog.uk.com.

Guides Two guides published by the EC explain your rights when moving within the EU. One, “Your social security rights when moving within the European Union“, tells you more about the EC social security regulations and social security schemes in each of the other EEA countries. You can get this guide from the HM Revenue and Customs or the Department for Work and Pensions. You can also get it from the social security authorities in any other EEA country. The other, “The Community provisions on social security”, tells you about the EC social security regulations only. You can only get this guide online at http://bookshop.eu.int.

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As Makfai has said, you really do need to contact DWP. It is very unclear as to whether receiving Income Support in Lieu of Incapacity Benefit is the same as actually receiving Incapacity Benefit, or how the Severe Disablement component would then be classified.

Unfortunately, receiving DLA itself does not entitle you to an E121, as DLA is not exportable out of the UK at present (more details in this thread).

You are only entitled to an E121 for health reasons if you receive an exportable benefit, such as Long Term Incapacity Benefit, or once you reach state retirement age.

If, as we all expect (ourselves included), DLA is to be cateorised as a 'health/sickness benefit' from April, it would then be 'exportable', (although, only the care element) it logically would follow, that you should be entitled to an E121.

As we have said, no-one knows for certain yet, we are all in limbo until they publish their interpretations of the ruling.

If, as it seems likely, DLA does become transferrable within the EU, it would seem to make financial sense to issue people receiving it an E121. The care costs to the UK government would in all liklihood, be far in excess of the amount the UK government would have to pay to the host government for treating the claimant under the E-form reciprical agreement. However, sense and logic don't always follow when dealing with governments decisions! [8-)]

Your next port of call would definitely seem to be contacting DWP, to fully understand how your Severe Disablement component will be treated.


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[quote user="makfai"]

[quote user="bodie"]I'm on  the search again.  Been trawling all the links everyone has kidly posted for me and my eyes are crossed from all the reading.  I'm still not clear about being entitled to the E 121.  This may be granted on the grounds of being in receipt of long term Incapacity Benefit, but my award is paid from income support IN LEIU of Incapacity Benefit (which includes severe disablement component)  so i'm not sure if this is the same thing. I suspect not as the wording of terms and conditions seems to be an exact science to the  benefit of the DWP when there's the chance of a loophole.  Can the E 121 be granted on the basis of being in receipt of DLA at all?  Hope someone out there can enlighten me. Thanks guys.[/quote]


I suggest you give the DWP a call

If you want to know more about benefits and related healthcare cover write to:

Department for Work and Pensions

The Pension Service

International Pension Centre

Tyneview Park

Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE98 1BA

When you write, please tell us:

  • your full name;

  • your date of birth; and

  • your National Insurance number (if you know it).

If you dont know your NI number dont hold your breath expecting them to find it.

My wife has been informed that she was "obviously never issued with a number", this despite having worked and paid NI contributions.

She is now required to attend a "proof of identity" interview, despite having a UK birth cert, passport,being born, raised, educated, married, and employed and received family allowance in the same town in the North of England. There has been no answer to date about what happened to her NI contributions or what will happen when she reaches pension age (later this year).

You couldn't make it up if you tried.! [:@]

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Can't really see why you expect then to know her number, its used often enough throughout daily life in the UK and even on tax matters to the Inland Revenue. If you have any of her P 60s or a P45, Doctor's Medical card, the NI number can be found on all these documents, failing that phone up her doctor or dentist they will have it..
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If you are phoning up the doctor or dentist for a number please be careful - as far as I know they have your National Health number, which is not the same.

They have may have both, make sure to get the right one. Don't be surprised if they say they do not have the NI number either -I used to deal with dental records and we just had a National Health number, not NI. Of course, things may have changed..


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The "them" in question state that you should ask "them" if you dont know your NI number.The NI people have a specific helpline number for anyone who needs to get their number.

I dont remember the NI number being used often in daily life in UK.I certainly never needed to know mine when I worked in UK. Tax matters were dealt with by the employer (no self assessment then).

A P60 / 45 would be an obvious route, however, my wife stopped working some years ago and there is no P form available (we have moved house many times since).

Medical cards have an NHS number not an NI number. That number we have, but it doesn't appear to help.

Phoning the doc (dentist - who has a dentist these days?) is a waste of time as per comment above, the doc does not keep the NI number on record, he doesn't need it.

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