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SOS Bracelets


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In the UK I used to wear an SOS bracelet which had my medical/personal details inside. This is really good as I am on several drugs which the healthcare people need to know if I am not in a position to tell them ie blood thinners.

I checked with my doctor here and he seemed very bemused. Does anyone know if there is such a system in France which would be understood, certainly, by the first medics to arrive.


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Carole, I switched from SOS to Medic Alert many years ago.  Medic Alert has a French contact point but they will also deal with enquiries from France, in French or English, in the UK.

And it's known in France, not sure about SOS though because as far as I recall they don't have the same back up system, people to talk to etc etc.

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Thanks for the replies. The trouble about a translation which is a good idea, is that the medic needs to recognise the bracelet for what it is and not just an ordinary bracelet. In the UK the SOS is recognised by hospitals and paramedics.

I will certainly look into Medic Alert

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I simply wear a bracelet (fabric with velcro fastening so light and good for sports, though  not particularly elegant)  with an engraved identity tag.I got mine  from a firm called roadID. They'll inscribe up to 6 lines of info on it. Mine has name, condition + uk and French  phone numbers (so I can wear it in both countries), hopefully that is enough in an emergency.It is an American firm but there were no problems with delivery.

 I've just looked them up and  notice that  they have recently set up a version with an id number which acesses  web based personal information.(hope I'm not breaking advertising rules)



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Carole, do you have nice neighbours who are willing to convey such information should the need arise whilst you are at home?(assuming you live on your own that is).  I once lived next door to a lady who frequently suffered asthma attacks and quite serious one's at that. She also wore a bracelet like yours as she had many allergies( we have had them in Australia for many years ). I had to call the ambulance service several times after routinely checking on her and was able to inform the ambulance workers her needs as stated on her bracelet. Just in case. It's a good idea. I think this is one important area where the French need to catch up with the times.
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I have several things that I have to have in my handbag most of the time, my diary, my passport and my carte vitale in a folder.  In each of these I have a note stating my illness and a list of all my medication and contact numbers for hubby and family.  I am sure that someone looking for info about you (ie a hospital) would have a quick look though your bag or wallet or pockets, especially if they are not used to the bracelet system.
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