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6 month rental required


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Wondered if anyone might be able to assist.    A friend-of-a-friend has found herself abandoned in Turkey with three old jack russell dogs, problem being that she will be able to get as far as the Channel Ports with them on current vaccinations but cannot bring them here until 6 months is up.   The dogs are all old (between 9 and 12 years old) and she doesn't think they would cope with quarantine,hence why she is looking to stay in France with them for the 6 month incubation period.

Does anyone out there have a small place for a 6 month rental?  It ideally would be near the Channel ports, near to civilisation as the lady does not drive unfortunately, but somewhere to look kindly on the three old dogs that she could not bear to have put down as her charmer of a husband suggested as he walked out on her.    Can anybody help?   Its all a bit desperate.

I am only acting as a go-between in the chain but please contact me by PM and I will forward it onwards via my friend.

Thanks everyone.   [:(]

 Update..... There are some very kind people out there who have responded to the call.  Thankyou all!

I have passed the details over to my friend who is going to try to sort this mess out to enable the poor lady to keep her beloved pets safe and secure.   Hopefully  the dogs can avoid quarantine in UK and join her family here after the incubation period when they get passports.


Addendum......   I am told that the lady in question is now in France with her beloved little dogs waiting for the time when she can go back to her family in UK with them.  They had an arduous journey from Turkey overland to get to France, but are settling in well thanks to some kind hospitality offerred by caring people who came to their aid,  however the rat who caused this heartbreaking situation is apparently living the life of Riley in Spain having forced this drama in the beginning.   Lets hope for a happy conclusion for all affected - except him![:P]



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I get the info secondhand really, however my friend assures me that the lady is staying in a small chalet with her dogs somewhere "Down South", a place offerred by kindly folks who took pity on her in her plight.  Good to know there are some decent people out there!   The dogs are all chipped and pinned now so once the six months is up the lady will continue her journey back to her family in UK, but for the time being she is living quite happily en France with them.  

At least that rotten husband of hers did not achieve his demand that she put the dogs to sleep because it was "easier...." (for him presumeably).   Having had her husband stolen from under her nose, losing her dogs too would have just about finished her off so at least she keeps herself sane looking after them in the meanwhile.

I will send on your kind thoughts, thankyou Magnolia 



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