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New Carte Vitale - how long to wait


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My husband changed from E106 to E121 last September.  Filled in all forms for new Carte Vitale and short time after the Attestation arrived.  Then received a letter asking for photograph proving he was who he said he was and copy of ID.  Sent off middle of October.  Still waiting for new Carte Vitale.  Is this normal?  Thank you.
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Nothing to worry about.

The new style of CV is still relatively new for most of France and it is currently only provided to new applicants or renewals.

the attestation is THE proof of your rights. Make sure you do not loose it.

Your card will turn up eventually [:)]

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It does seem a long time, but these are a new style card, so there isn't much history around for one to judge how long they are taking.  In your shoes, I would phone my CPAM and ask what's happening.

Edit : Sorry Clair, simultaneous posting going on!  You are right, it's only an adminstrative convenience and not a big worry really.

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My husband and I both sent off our application forms for the new CV's in October, posted the same day.  Mine arrived about 6 weeks later.  My husband waited for another 2 weeks and then went to the CPAM office in Carhaix (29).  They could find no trace of his application and he has to apply again.  The lady there showed us a folder full of papers relating to CV's not arriving.  She said she had noticed a problem with a spouse receiving one but not the other.  I would go back to the CPAM if I were you.
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Hmmmmmmm.  It would appear a visit to the CPAM would be in order.  We have had our C.V.s for 5 years but as hubby is now an OAP he had to apply for a new one.  I suspected something must be amiss as it has been so long coming.   Thank you for all your replies.
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hmmm... I'd certainly at least phone to find out the reason for the wait. We recently applied for ours and were told within a few weeks that we cannot have a CV now as we've been away from the UK for 2 years and are not working and not yet at proper retirement age. So we paid all our taxes all our lives in the UK and now we've moved to another European Community country and cannot get free health cover... so what do we do next????
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[quote user="Susie"]hmmm... I'd certainly at least phone to find out the reason for the wait. We recently applied for ours and were told within a few weeks that we cannot have a CV now as we've been away from the UK for 2 years and are not working and not yet at proper retirement age. So we paid all our taxes all our lives in the UK and now we've moved to another European Community country and cannot get free health cover... so what do we do next???? [/quote]You never could get free healthcover here Susie, unless on an extremely low income.

If you have no chronic medical conditions, you are now stuck with buying private health insurance until you have lived here for 5 years altogether or are old enough to qualify for an E121, unless either of you has a serious medical condition, in which case you can apply for admission into the CMU under the "accident de vie" provisions.  Beware because you must have a policy which conforms to the full description of "comprehensive" cover, or you may not be considered to have lived here legally after 5 years.  We have heard that this may very well be scrutinised by your CPAM when you come to apply for CMU entry after said time.

For more information on Insurance requirements etc see:


However, we believe that you still have a case and should make an appeal, as our feeling is that you were a legal resident here, just as much as those who were already paying into CMU are. As the poster above says, please visit our site.  You will find all the info' you need on the background, legal arguments, and methods of appeal for E106 holders here:


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This isn't directly to do with the OP, but I'm just so ecstatic, I felt that I had to tell someone the good news.

OH received her E121 last Summer, which necessitated the return of our 'old' Carte Vitales (we had only had them 4 months, having waited for over 2 yrs) because our Social Security number had changed. After the usual verification caper (umpteen letters, etc), she received her form to send off with a passport photo for new CV.  It duly turned up a couple of weeks later.

As a 'beneficiary', I am a named bod in all the records and thought that they would eventually get round to sending me a form in my own right. Zilch, but not really a problem because her card covers me.

However today, my own little form arrived !   Just six months after OH's emerged from the system.

I really think that all this talk of the CPAMs being unjoined-up, inefficient and generally hopeless is entirely unfounded.[:'(]

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Seemingly not - we've had 3 since arriving.  The first had a prefix '7', then for the brief period when we got our proper CV and were paying cotisations, it had a '1'.  The submission of the E121 prompted a request to return both CV's and a reissue of everything under a new number with a '2' prefix.

The maddening thing is that they didn't bother to transfer my wife's ALD on to the latest record, which required a visit to get it sorted.  I've also now realised that they didn't transfer the medicin traitant details, so we aren't getting the full reimbursement for routine GP visits.  At least, I think that's the reason.

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All of which makes sense, because our 1st one (numero provisoire) began with a '7'.

Then me with a '1'.

Then when I became a 'kept man' and my ongoing health depends on OH, a '2'.

Oh b****r, it could well change again when I get my own E121.  It will: I just know it.  Headline:  "CPAM turns expat into Jibbering Wreck". 

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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote user="Gardian"]

However today, my own little form arrived !   Just six months after OH's emerged from the system.


Form sent off (with a copy of the picture page of my passport) on 22nd Jan, carte vitale arrived this morning.  So, 3 wks 1 day for the processing.

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