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Mobility Scooters UK.Advice Please.


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I hope some member can help me with some information....

My eldest brother in UK has very bad breathing problems and has great trouble even getting to nearby shops.Lives on his own so this is a bit of a worry. He is thinking of buying one of these four wheel mobility scooters but before he goes off to the shop which will obviously sell him one,he is on a basic pension, does anyone know if he is entitled to any help with this? He is a very difficult person to help,[runs in the family] and I'm wondering if anyone knows the correct department to contact before I have to get on the ferry to sort it out for him.


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When I wanted some help for my mother regarding her mobility I telephoned her doctors surgery who at least had the phone number of the right department - if you know which doctors surgery your brother is registered at you may be able to do the same...

I found the personnel in the department really helpful, good luck with it.

PS From what I have seen on the TV, its really worth shopping around, maybe looking at secondhand ?

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I went through this with my late father-in-law and I agree with RH re the local GP but this leaflet may also be of interest

Secondly, make sure that he is getting all the right benefits such as Disability Living Allowance as this can help defray costs. . . see here for example

Details of Age Concern's Information Line is here they are excellent at giving sound practical advice

The price of these things is well out of proportion to what they should cost.  Mind you that seems to go for most things for people with 'problems'. . .just look at what they charge for things like a table for a chair - the table is made of tubular steel and a bit of plywood and they try to sell them for £40!  It is a disgrace.

If you want a new scoot get it via the internet.  There are loads to chose from and the price differential is massive. Also make sure that you get one without VAT. Some companies wont offer to exempt the VAT unless you ask for it.





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Thankyou for the helpful info,I have passed  it all on to my brother and awaiting developements.As he is 6ft5inches,quite heavily built,ex Grenadier Guards,I try not to picture him driving around Bournemouth in a tiny scooter,


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Gastines, Dominic Littlewood featured a woman trying to get a scooter at 'good' price only a week or two ago. She managed to haggle the price down considerably but quite a lot of the bargaining was over the extras. Whether or not the battery was included, a shopping bag, cover etc.....
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There are mobility centres throughout the UK which give assessment and advice mainly for driving with adaptations but some give advice on wheelchairs and scooters. If you google 'mobility centres' you will find a list and there may be one close enough to contact.

Your nearest shopping centre may have a shopmobility facility where your brother could borrow a scooter and see how he gets on with it. Sometimes you will also find small ads there for secondhand scooters. Local papers could be another source.

Hope you find something suitable.

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At 70 years old you'd think the phrase" I want one now" wouldn't be spoken but after making dozens of phone calls to UK,Age-Concern and various information centres, I put all the relevant info together ready to advise my big brother the best way to go about things, at worst,requiring a trip to UK etc etc. I phoned today to ask what he wanted me to do," I bought one today,I need it now". Such is life,as one door closes,another shuts.

I just hope he doesn't run anyone over, in hindsight I might run him over. Thanks for members advice, it will come in useful when I need one!!!.


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