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Pregnant daughter now in France......healthcare ???


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Our 25yr old daughter who is pregnant is staying with us for a year or two whilst her husband is working in India setting up a business. She has been paying self employed national insurance contributions in the UK up to now so the question is can she obtain health cover over here or not. The UK authorities have just told her that because she is self emplyed she must register in France and is not entitled to healthcare from the UK. This is although she is not working at the moment and is unlikely to in the next year or so.

Could someone advise as to her situation and if there is a way forward other than paying all healthcare costs....seems a bit harsh considering she has paid national insurance since leaving university about 3 yrs ago.


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Complicated.  On the face of it, I would ask the DWP what happens if she formally gives up work.  Having paid a self-employed stamp, she should then get a year's E106 as a residual benefit.  Otherwise, I don't know what to suggest.  Others may have some bright ideas.
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This is crazy. Are you registered here for healthcare in France...? Is she living with you?  if so your daughter can be added to your healthcare and she can have her baby here with no extra cost. Pregnancy and birth are covered in France for 100% cover. Why does she want to use UK health insurance when she can be treated here for nothing?

Forget the UK you are in France now. I lobbed here from Australia in 2004, barefoot and pregnant, signed up with an OB straight away and carried on until junior was born here.

I do not understand the problem[8-)]

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NO Chance

Children over twenty don't qualify for Ayant Droit status.

If she cannot get cover from the UK she will need to take out private insurance to live legally in France.

Out of curiosity why was she turned down by the UK authorities?

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She hasn't been turned down as yet, its just that although she has always paid her nat.ins contributions she is being passed from department to department and really does not know what category/form she comes under. Quite honestly after about 2 hours on the phone she still has no idea which form she needs (if any at all) !!

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BSJLIV has it right to my mind.  From my own experience, having retired early, having paid a self-employed stamp, I was entitled to a year's residual cover via an E106.  Hence, as said above, I think she needs to formally give up work and apply for one.  I honestly cannot see that she would have any other entitlement from anywhere.  Once that's run out then she has to start again but with luck this should give her time to have the baby, and for her o/h to get the business set up.


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