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long term incapacity benefit


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[quote user="Grecian"]

We can only hope this is more Labour spin,


oh dear... I just know this is going to upset and anger a few but.... can I ask... why do we want to hope it's more Labour Spin... isn't this a good thing? [:$]

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It will mean that from 2010 everyone on incapacity benefit will be assessed as to what work they can do and if capable of work will be taken off incapacity benifit and put on job seekers allowance which only lasts for a certain amount of time.

It will also mean that if in France no longer entitled to an E121 if found capable of work,therefore they will have to start paying for health care and will not be entitled to job seekers allowance

That is why some people will think it is not a very good proposal.  

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Sorry BAF it will mean that the decision as to whether the receipient of IB, is or isn't fit for work, will be in the hands of a private company, as opposed to the decision of a doctor.

If the individual is deemed 'fit for work', and in effect is not physically fit, and has a pre-existing medical condition, if they haven't qualified for the 5 year residency, they will be kicked out of France. Simple as that.



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[quote user="Grecian"]


If the individual is deemed 'fit for work', and in effect is not physically fit, and has a pre-existing medical condition, if they haven't qualified for the 5 year residency, they will be kicked out of France. Simple as that.





If deemed fit for work then they are fit for work so can get a job and stay  

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Will they pay expenses to attend?

Well, of course they will Tony, but only to the interviewers.......one interview per week, times return travel (Business Class claimable naturally) to Dordogne, overnight stay, lunch, dinner.

It will be  hell of course, but someone will have to do it ....

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