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Moving to France with Parkinsons


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Thank I have just been on the site you mentioned but there isn't anything about Parkinsons.  My husband is only 56yrs so I am going to check this end too and see what we can do.  My sister is already in France and loving it so when I come over in August I'll get her to take me to the relevent place to ask.

Thanks again.

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The new system is tht if you wish to move to France full time you must have sufficient resources and  comprehensive medical assurance.

If your husband is working at the moment he would be entitled to an E106 from the UK which would give up to 36 months cover in France for health after which you would need to find a private health cover which would be difficult with a preexisting condition.He would after 5 years of residence be entitled to join the CMU pay into the system and obtain health care.

If he was found to be incapable of work and was in receipt of incapacity benefit then he would be entitled to an E121 from the UK which while he retained that entitlement would give him medical cover in France.

There is no point in ""going to the relevant authority in France"" .They will just tell you that you need comprehensive medical cover. It is up to you to sort that out .

Having Parkinsons is irrelevant to the provision of healthcare,except that if  he was deamed incapable of any work by the UK authorites he would be entitled to an E121.  

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Our local town has a Parkinson's association and they advertise their meetings so its obviously an illness that affects many people here as well for which you may well find in the town you will be moving to for help and assistance. Its called  maladie de Parkinsoniens I believe if the spelling isn't quite right.
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Maladie de Parkinson

Classed as ALD 16           (Affection de longue durée.)

However exemption appears only to be granted to rapidly developing Parkinson's with increasing incapacity.

Assessed using "Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale"  UPDRS ( also called  this in France! )



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The new controversial requirement for comprehensive private medical insurance brought in recently for inactifs moving to France, means that effectively it is impossible for an early retiree to move to France with an existing chronic medical condition, unless they are covered by an E121 from the UK. As no private medical insurer will provide cover for pre-existing chronic conditions.

The irony is that if your husbands condition deteriorated to the point he was unable to work and as a result qualified for an E121, he would be covered in France. However, whilst he is still deemed fit to work and therefore unable to qualify for an E121, or obtain private medical insurance because of his Parkinsons, you would not meet the French requirements for permanent residency.

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Just one thing Daisymay.  Your husband is 56 and obviously would not qualify for a 121 until he's 65 (unless he gets the medical 121)  However, if you reach state retirement age before him then you could possibly have the 121 and he could be your dependent.


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