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Problem for younger widow.


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My friend in his 70's has just died leaving a younger widow 50.

They were in receipt of his pension and extra for her. How does this leave her for a carte vitale ect?

She has asked several people but gets different each time. Any advice please.

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Sorry to hear about your friend, mookey, but if I may ask, do you know if there is such a thing as a widows pension over here, I often wonder what I would do if my OH went first, and how I would be able to afford to live here, I would only get half of his private pension, and nothing at all from his state one, I only have a VERY small private pension, and a not much bigger state, we do have a bit of savings, but how long would that last, back in the uk, I'm thinking that I would be able to claim a few benefits, any thoughts please, thank you.
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I would advise her to talk to the DWP initially, as I believe that she is entitled to a year's cover via an E form after his death.  Then she is on her own.  However, as said above, clearly she is covered under the "accident de vie" provisions, and should get into CMU either after any residual E form cover expires, or immediately if I am incorrect in my first statement.

After 5 years' residence, she would be entitled to join CMU, accident de vie or no.  After that period, there may also be some support from France via social security, but I confess I know little about this aspect.

The critical point here is to talk to both the DWP and the local CPAM and lay all your cards on the table.  We have as yet had nobody who has tried the "accident de vie" rules as they are totally new - for us and for the CPAMs.  So until somebody tries it (and feeds back as to what happens) then we are a bit in the dark as to the precise process, but it should work - that's what these provisions are for.

PS So sorry to hear about your friend, Mooky.

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[quote user="Belle"]Sorry to hear about your friend, mookey, but if I may ask, do you know if there is such a thing as a widows pension over here, I often wonder what I would do if my OH went first, and how I would be able to afford to live here, I would only get half of his private pension, and nothing at all from his state one, I only have a VERY small private pension, and a not much bigger state, we do have a bit of savings, but how long would that last, back in the uk, I'm thinking that I would be able to claim a few benefits, any thoughts please, thank you.[/quote] 

As you have paid nothing into the French social security system  you would be unlikely to get benefits in France. You might, if of a qualifying age,  get a widow's pension from the UK but little else apart from an OAP.

What you do is to get a life insurance on your O/H to cover the difference between the full pension and the half pension, if you don't do that you would certainly not be able to afford to stay in France.

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[quote user="Belle"]thanks for the reply Ron, did'nt think about life insurance, would we be able to take that out here, and would we approach the bank.[/quote]

Yes, try your bank or an insurance company like Groupama,  but be warned, its not cheap as its a fairly high risk to cover a 10 year short fall in 50% of a pension as we have done, of course if O/H goes first, I just cancel it and I'm quids in[;-)]


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It's not just about money!!!!.

My husband died 29/10/2007 (he was 55 and I was 53) and life is hard. I have no money worries-thank goodness- but it is the everyday things that get you down. Yesterday the lawn mower packed up. Today the hoover finally decided not to work. Thankfully the tractor is still working so I can mow the field. I have problems with the computer because the man who' fixed  it' is no longer around.  I have very good friends who would do anything to help, because he would always help them, but at the end of the day I have to sort out every day problems my self. It's very hard to do in a country where you are out of your comfort zone .

I have decided to return to the U.K. where I will be in my 'comfort' zone, and try to rebuild a life for my self. I am so thankful that if nothing else that we were lucky enough to fulfill our dreams. For that I have many happy memories and no regrets.

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[quote user="mooky"]

My friend in his 70's has just died leaving a younger widow 50.

They were in receipt of his pension and extra for her. How does this leave her for a carte vitale ect?

She has asked several people but gets different each time. Any advice please.


Mooky, tell your friend to get in touch with the DWP in Newcastle where she will find the staff to be very helpful in giving her the correct information for her particular circumstance.  If she does not already know about it there is such a thing as Bereavement Benefit for a start (lump sum followed by weekly benefit).  She should find that she will at least be covered (healthwise) for the year following her husbands death as a dependant under her husbands E121.

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mooky, sorry to hear about your friend.

Your post is very useful, as it highlights potentially significant issues that could affect other couples who have or are considering moving to France, where there is an appreciable age gap with the younger partner some years before pensionable age. 

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Britgirl, my heart goes out to you, you sound a very brave lady, I'm glad at least that money isn't a worry for you on top of everyday living, are you going back to family in the Uk, I worry about all this constantly, you see I don't have much of a family, only my son, we lost our daughter three years ago, and like you, feel that my comfort zone would be in the UK, however, I hope it's many years before I have to make such decisions, or if at all. I wish you all the luck in the world, and wish with all my heart, that you are able to rebuild your life.


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