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Disability Allowance ?????


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Hi all

I was diagnosed with Fibromialgia in 2005 here in France and I am finding it impossible to work because of this illness.

Can anyone help me, I would like to know how i go about applying for disability allowance to help with all the medical costs and also to help with the parking as some days i find it cery difficult to walk.

Any help and adivce would be much appreciated.


Thank you



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Gina, where are you?  Have you spoken to your generaliste about 100% cover for the problem - my OH has it and it is the reason she was given early retirement from work in the UK.

You need to follow the thread on maladie de longue duree, there have been a lot of discussions about long-term conditions over the past year and that may help you.

Let is know how you get on, what meds you receive etc.

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Fibromyalgia is "une maladie exceptionelle qui n'est pas sur la liste de 30 maladies reconnues par la sécu."In effect "hors liste" -

However,  the "ALD -31" exists for conditions such as this. So exemption (100% cover) can be granted depending obviously on your personal circumstances.

As Tony says you need to see your médecin traitant   - and good luck!!


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Hi Gina,

This publication has a wealth of info for the disabled, including travel, blue badge, and availability of benefits.

click here

Search your own region, and then select 'Disabilty' in the:

Essential INFOrmation Pages  (about half way down, in the first column).

i.e. This page serves Poitou Charente.

click here

There are links/addresses dealing with most aspects of disability.

To see Nickels comprehensive translation of the list of ALD'S:

click here

Good luck!



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Hi Tony

Sorry i haven't got back to you sooner. as you can imagine i have been feeling very sorry for myself as the doctors have just found something in my arm and they don't know what it is, but from the x-rays it looks like a dog has been chewing it !!!

I am in Britany(22) a long way from you, you could email me direct if you wish.

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