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Can someone clarify this payment question?


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My OH has a carte vitale, she went to have a check up at the Dr's + blood test, the toal bill came to €103. She sent off her reciepts to CPAM Poitiers and has recieved €42 payment, is this about right?





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[quote user="TefkaC"]

My OH has a carte vitale, she went to have a check up at the Dr's + blood test, the toal bill came to €103. She sent off her reciepts to CPAM Poitiers and has recieved €42 payment, is this about right?






When you say the total bill who did you pay? Was it the Doctor and the laboratory separately or, somehow, were you charged by just one of these?

As an example last week I visited the doctor and was given a prescription for a blood test. The doctor processed my card in his machine and I paid him 22€. I then took the prescription to the Analysis Laboratory and gave a blood sample. My CV was processed by the laboratory who will have collected the money due from CPAM and my top up insurer electronically. From memory the blood test costs around 30€.

Have you by any chance seen a doctor as a private patient ?

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The cost of blood sample analyses, and what is reimbursable, can vary quite a lot according to what is being tested. It sounds rather as if part of your reimbursement could be at a lower rate for some reason - or maybe you were only reimbursed for part of the test. Did you send a copy of the prescription with the receipts, because some CPAMs demand these before giving full reimbursement?

Not all laboratories etc take the CV for payment, particularly if this is done through a pharmacy rather than direct. 

But it is also perfectly likely that a mistake was made.

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There are so many variables!

Was it  a GP or a specialist?

If a specialist was the patient sent by a GP who has been declared?

Is that Doctor "conventionné"?

which secteur?

Could the Doctor claim 'dépassement d'heures' ? ( a bit like overtime [:)]

Was the blood test for one particular thing, or a 'bilan sanguine' that is a complete check?

I'm not interrogating, just trying to show how different two people's visit to a Doctor could be..

All that said it doesn't sound like the right proportion of cost/reimbursement

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Thanks for all the replies and sorry for the confusion.

She went to the doctor that we are registerd with.

He gave her a check over and said it would be a good idea to have a blood test for cholestrol, diabetes, blood count etc etc.  

She then went to the local nurse fot this.

This was sent to the lab for analysis.

She then got all the reciepts and sent them off to Poit's




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My OH also recently had a very detailed blood test, via our GP, for diabetes, cholesterol levels etc.  The bill came to over 80 euros and she paid the whole lot, still waiting to see what repayments are made but it's not unusual for that sort of price to be charged, it's the second one about that level she's had in the past 12 months.
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[quote user="TefkaC"]

My OH has a carte vitale, she went to have a check up at the Dr's + blood test, the toal bill came to €103. She sent off her reciepts to CPAM Poitiers and has recieved €42 payment, is this about right?




As Norman says there are so many variables with this, and CPAM do make mistakes, I had a payment I had made to a specialist sent to the specialist and he had to repay me.

I am assuming that your payment information has been taken from what has gone into your bank so far and not a statement from CPAM.  If that is the case, when you receive your statement from CPAM it will tell you exactly what you paid, and who and what they paid and what was refunded to you and at what rate.

It also appears that the CV was not used and you were given brown forms, if that was the case they can take ages 6 to 8 weeks to process and it looks like you may not have all the costs back yet.  If the total reimbursed does not look correct when you get your statement, query it with the number on the statement, they are normally very helpful.

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I wouldn't argue with the total price.

The doctor is 22 euros and the lab could be 60+ for a full test.

I am not sure how much the nurse costs, but it's not a lot.

 1 euro  is not given back for each of the Doctor, Nurse, and Lab

You should then get back eventually 65%  of what you paid from the Sécu, and if you have a Mutuelle they should pay you the rest, so in the end you would get back what you paid less 3 euros. If you haven't got a Mutuelle you should still get back 65% minus 3 euros.

Sometimes the statements from the Sécu are not easy to follow.

For example I might be paid the cost of the presciption but later the 50 centimes per box is taken of a different re-imbursement

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I've noticed that the 1 Euro charges for blood tests seem to apply to each analysis done on the blood. We regulalry get charged 34 Euros plus charges of 4 Euros. That's for one blood sample and analyses for a few different things. With the 0.50 Euro pharmacy charges for each box of prescribed drugs as well, all these charges mount up and CPAM takes them from any money that may be due to you. This can sometimes explain why you get a lot less refunded than you expect. 
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