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Help! How much will health insurance cost???


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Hi - Firstly I apologise if this has all been explained before, I am sure this topic has been done to death.  However I just wanted to establish a true "cut to the chase" picture of what we as a family will have to pay.  Our circumstances are this :-

- Family of 4 (2 kids under 6) planning to move to France in Jan 09
- Will rent for a year at least to establish if the move will work for us and before we commit to buying

What I would like to know is :-

1.  Is the E106 the standard form that covers you, e.g.if you are on holiday in the EU, and is valid for 2 years? 
2.  Would this cover ALL our costs for the 2 year period it is valid?
3.  Let's say for argument sake we are not working/employed in France during this 2 year period - is the E106 cover still the same?
4. If we need top up insurance until the E106 runs out, roughly how much will this cost?
5. What is the E109 and E121?
6. Again - for arguments sake - let's say we are still not working after the E106 runs out, we will not therefore be entitled to CMU - so will we need FULL medical insurance to cover us, correct?
7.  If so roughly how much will full insurance cost us?
8.  How many hours a week do you have to work to gain entry in the CMU system?
9. If you are registered as self-employed and pay cottisations are you then automatically covered?
10. I read somewhere that you will automatically be covered by CMU after 5 years residency in France - regardless of whether your are employed or not - is this correct?  So you could (if you had enough money which we don't) live in France and do nothing for 5 years and then be covered?

Apologies for so many questions and thanks in advance to anyone who can help clarify matters for me.  I have read various posts and links etc but I have to admit to still being a little confused. I just want to get some ball park figures to factor into our required monthly budget.

Many thanks

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Thanks Clair, but I had already read this and am still a little in the dark!  (think its just my tired old head struggling to take it all in!!).  What is the difference between E106, E109 and E121.  How do you qualify for inclusion in the French system and how much does top-up and full insurances cost?? 

thanks again x

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I'll give it a try [:)]. Apologies in advance for any inaccuracies (which will certainly be corrected by more knowledgeable posters).

[quote user="Fi"]1.  Is the E106 the standard form that covers you, e.g.if you are on holiday in the EU, and is valid for 2 years? [/quote]

You need a EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) for health emergencies when visiting an EU country (not your country of residence).

This is provided on request by the UK if you reside in France under the cover of a E106/E109/E121.

For health care when residing in France (not visiting another EU country), you will need either an E form (see below) or private health insurance.

[quote user="Fi"]2. Would this cover ALL our costs for the 2 year period it is valid?[/quote]

The E106 is available to UK workers who have paid enough NI

contributions in the 2 (?) years preceding their departure from the UK.

A single E106 will cover the whole family in France for the duration of its validity.

The duration of the E106 depends on the amount of NI contributions made prior to leaving the UK.

The health costs would be covered up to the % reimbursed by the French Social Security.


majority of health costs are NOT covered 100% and you will need to

pay for a top-up health cover (mutuelle) or pay the difference out of

your own pocket.

[quote user="Fi"] 3.  Let's say for argument sake we are not working/employed in France during this 2 year period - is the E106 cover still the same?[/quote]

Yes, up to the % reimbursed by the French Social Security.

The majority of health costs are NOT covered 100% and you will need to pay for a top-up health cover (mutuelle) or pay the difference out of your own pocket.

[quote user="Fi"]4. If we need top up insurance until the E106 runs out, roughly how much will this cost?[/quote]

Impossible to give a simple answer to that, as the costs vary vastly according to the level of cover you select.

[quote user="Fi"]5. What is the E109 and E121?[/quote]

E109:  details here    E121: details here

[quote user="Fi"] 6. Again - for arguments sake - let's say we are still not working after the E106 runs out, we will not therefore be entitled to CMU - so will we need FULL medical insurance to cover us, correct?[/quote]

Yes, until you have lived in France for 5 years, at which point you will be able to join the CMU.

[quote user="Fi"] 7.  If so roughly how much will full insurance cost us?[/quote]

Impossible to give a simple answer to that, as the costs vary vastly according to the level of cover you select.

[quote user="Fi"]8.  How many hours a week do you have to work to gain entry in the CMU system?[/quote]

To obtain 12 months of cover, you must show that:

  • you have worked a minimum of 60 hours over a single month;
  • or you have worked a minimum of 120 hours over three continuous months;
  • or you have worked a minimum of 1200 hours over 12 months.
There is a bit more to it than that, but it's a starting point. (source here in French).

[quote user="Fi"]9. If you are registered as self-employed and pay cotisations are you then automatically covered?[/quote]

Yes, up to the % reimbursed by the French Social Security.


majority of health costs are NOT covered 100% and you will need to

pay for a top-up health cover (mutuelle) or pay the difference out of your own pocket.

[quote user="Fi"]10. I read somewhere that you will automatically be covered by CMU after 5 years residency in France - regardless of whether your are employed or not - is this correct?  So you could (if you had enough money which we don't) live in France and do nothing for 5 years and then be covered?[/quote]

Yes, but first, you have to be able to reside in France permanently.

To do that, you will need to demonstrate that your income is at least €940.62 (minimum requirement for 2008 for a couple with 2 children. Source here) AND you have some form of health cover (E106, E109 or private health cover).

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