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Cross border health insurance.

Andy Allen

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I live in Alsace and work in Switzerland. I am in the French taxation system but pay a reduced rate as I work cross border and some of my deductions go into the Swiss system. Also because of this I have to take out my own private health insurance. My question is does anyone know of any French (or Swiss) insurance companies that do cross border medical policies (including dental treatment). I would add that my Swiss deductions do cover me for accident insurance in and out of work but not illness.

Thanks in advance

Andy Allen

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PPP (aka AXA) do an International scheme which isn't actually worldwide but does cover Europe.

Whilst resident in UK I was covered with PPP via my employment but since moving to France and being transferred to an International policy all the documentation now says AXA who are a French company as you probably know.

Depending on the scheme chosen limited dental cover is available with the proviso that you undergo 6 monthly checkups.

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