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chemo/radio therapy in france


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Is there anybody out there who, after a breast cancer operation in England, has gone on to have Chemo- or Radio-therapy in France, or who knows of anyone who has. Can anyone tell me the cost of thes two treatments within the French Health System?

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hi riki sorry cannot help you there,,are you registered with french doctor they would help i am sure i am in need of physiotherapy , urgently and having no success finding someone been all over everyone tells me to make own arrangements but do not know how to tell if practitioner is good bad registered or what good luck in your search
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The first port of call should, surely, be your médecin traitant here in France. If you do not have one, and if some reason you are not registered in the French medical system, you can still go to ANY doctor and pay for the consultation (22 euros) and ask those questions. Or if you want more specialist advice, find a gynaecologist, pay for your consultation (likely to be a little more than 22 euros, there is usually a "dépassement d'honoraires" with specialists), and ask the questions.

The great majority of breast cancer patients will have gone through the usual channels, and since cancer is, usually, something for which you are treated free of charge (on the 100% list), it would be extremely hard to find out what the real cost would be.

Sorry if all the above is obvious, and if it doesn't answer your query. Your situation might be a little unusual.

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Dear Rikitikitavi,  Are you awaiting surgery? or have already had surgery - I ask because there are so many variables e.g  your age - pre/post menopausal, stage and grade of tumour - lymph node involvement, Er positive/negative etc;

Once these are known by your oncologist I would assume they have/will formulate a treatment plan which may then involve radiotherapy or chemotherapy or both.

These treatments would then start a few weeks after surgery; radio being an intensive course daily or every other day and chemo in cycles with time "off" between each.

If such a plan is formulated in UK I am not sure how easily that would transfer to France - not least because of the time scale in finding an oncologist here and starting treatment and of course the treatments recommended  may not be the same.

As for the cost -well as 5-element says if you are in the French health system then there would be no charge (ALD)  if you are not in the system - I am afraid I have no idea but I am sure a GP here can tell you .

My concern is that with such a complicated issue you really need to be sure you are getting the best treatment available so please discuss it through with your doctors in UK - they will probably have colleagues in France to whom you could be referred if this is the way you decide to go.

I wish you all the best.




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As someone who has twice been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, I have to say that I would not want to have had my surgery in one country under one system and the rest of my treatment in another. I found continuity of care really important for my peace of mind.  If you have no choice but to have the rest of your treatment in France, you will need to make sure that you take your medical notes with you, so that your new medical team have all the information they need to plan your treatment, as I doubt whether they will simply accept a treatment plan decided in Britain.

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