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coming off SSRI's and Z tablets.


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In other words. Zolpiden Sleeping tablets. Taken five years; Seroxat for depression five years.

For the last four months I have been 'shaving' a little off my tablets every night, and for the last week have taken neither. Now I understandwhat cold turkey means. I think the vivid dreams are one of the worse problems for me. Each afternoon I have to go into my bedroom and de- dream it  by having nice thoughts about the room. Putting flowers and things I like around; spraying lavender around. If I didn't my bedroom would just become a hell hole, where I experience most distressing dreams. The other big problem is what I call shock shivers  in my head. Like electric shocks every few minutes. I have had a bad time since I came to France. It has been my decision to come of these awful tablets. They did their job. Saw me through some horrid experiences. Now I want to learn to live again, and be me. I live my life using biodiversity and permaculture awareness, but have been poisioning myself on grotty tablets. For years people have been politely telling me I am a little bit different, whatever that means. So what, are we all not individuals. I've just turned 60,I am happy, batty and quite beautiful in my own way. Even living on my own is a good experience. I would like to say thank you for this forum. I've had some laughs from it. I often think that I probably pass by a forum member and just don't know. Do you ever imagine what a member looks like. For instance what picture do you get from Mooky. Would love to know.

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Mooky, you have my sympathy: 5 years on both these tablets is a long time, especially if you have stopped both together (even over a 4-month period). Of course as you know, the electric shocks in the head are a typical reaction to your body asking for its Seroxat fix. As for Zolpidem, when you think that one of its "selling points" a while ago was that you were  not supposed to get addicted to them, fat chance.... But it sounds like you are doing very well, those vivid dreams do show that you are catching up with 5 years' worth of suppressed dreams... a purification process that is quite tough, but which brings its own rewards (no more chemicals being poured into your system every day). It takes a while to feel life the way it is, without the screen and buffer of the tablets. They did their job, and ow off with them.

What picture? I get no visual picture at all, just an impression which is hard to put into words, as it is so vague. What does it matter? That is part of the charm of a forum, all this blind dating.[:)]

With WB, I do get a sense of a contemporary Jack Nicholson-type,  outrageous, larger than life, both endearing and obnoxious.

But that might be completely wrong too, which is OK. ....


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been two weeks since I came off my pills. I wasn't even tempted to take them when friend died last week.

The nightmares are not so bad. The electrix zaps in head are still there, but tolerable. I feel very tired, but that makes me sleep at night.Worse problem is really grotty flu symptons. I ache all over have a temp, and want to get in very hot baths all the time. Problem is I don't actuallt have a bath, only shower. I feel quite proud of myself. When I feel fluey I go and lie down for a while. I'll get there.


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  • 1 month later...

Congratulations - you've done so well.  My hubby has been on mertazapine for nearly five years and I am dreading him coming off them, we've managed to cut down from three a day to two (with drs help) - so thats an improvement.

Good luck Mooky - keep up the good work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done Mooky in getting off the pills. Bit late with this perhaps, however it may be useful. I'm an insulin-dependant psychotherapist so have my own 'funny turns' not only related to excess alcohol!!! I have worked professionally with people coming off SSRI's & your experience is 'par for the course' unfortunately. What may help generally is daily exercise for the endorphins (our natural 'opiate'), hot shower pre-bed, and hot milky drink (natural source of serotonin) & some progressive muscle relaxation-there's some more stuff on my website www.VinePartnership.co.uk , that may be good.

Apologies for pokin' me nose in, but was just looking for some more up to date stuff on my 'I've got to work for 5 years to pay into system to get me insulin problem'! We hope to 'emigrate' to Sud-Charente as soon as I complete me Doctorate & we can flog the house.

Mooky I imagine you to be fairly tall, creative and down to earth!

All the best for your new life in a great country-we feel better as soon as we land.

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Thanks for that Roger. I am still having some zaps and do feel very tired. O am just trying tolook after myself. One big problem I have is lonliness. I am not so outgoing as I was. I have been here for nearly five years and should have more friends than I do. Consequently I spend 23 hours a day on my own. Not good for depression. I will have a look at your site.

If only I was taller. I am a real little short arse. Creative and down to earth spot on. Where are you South Lincs. I was Kings Lynn Norfolk.

Best wishes

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