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Is it Too late for Top Up Insurance


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After several weeks of reading all the thread and going to different offices to get quotations.  We have finally decided to go for a hospitalization policy only.  In the meantime my doctor decided to send me for a mammogam due to my age.  Unfortunately this found a nodule and it needed investigation.   During the biopsy the doctor informed me it will have to be removed even if it is benign.  I am getting the results next week.   So in panic I thought I need insurance now immediately.   I rang one of the people that have given me a quote and explained the situation regarding needing this operation.   He was very kind and said it should not be a problem if I could wait 3/4 weeksbefore I would use the policy..    Then later he rang and told me he had looked into the policy and said I would have to wait 3 months before I could use the Hospital Policy for an operation because I was aware I would need to use it.   He said I could take out another policy covering all top up including hospital, doctor, dentist etc which is three times the price and I could use it the next day.  Not sure what to do.

As you can imagine my mind is dizzy with the worry of the results of the biopsy.

Has anyone any idea of the cost of hospital for 2/3 nights and the removal of a lump.   I know if it is cancer it is a different story.

Any advice would be helpful!!!

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