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CPAM question and CAF question

le shed

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Dear all,

I have recieved a letter from the CPAM finally after applying to them. On it it has our number of d'immatriculation. This I assume is the important number for health care purposes.

1- Question the form also mentioned attesttation d'affiliation, whats the difference from this and immatriculation?

2- Also we need I think to join the CAF. do I just go to the CAF with this immatriculation number and the other normal wadge of id proofs to join them too?

3- Lastly, Will i expect to recieve a carte vitel or do i only get this paper as I am here temporarily on an E106?

best regards


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1.  The attestation is the piece of paper itself.  The No. d'immatriculation is your social security number.

2.  I know little about CAF, but believe it is means tested.  What you get is based upon your tax return as far as I can see from a quick look at the CAF WEBSITE I'm sure others who get such benefits will know more, but the website looks quite comprehensive and should be a good place to start.

3.  If your stay is temporary then it's possible you won't get a CV but the attestation is all that matters in the end.  Whether the plastic gets issued seems to vary from CPAM to CPAM, as far as I can tell.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

I can answer your last question;

I am on a workers E106. Having got our attestations back in September or October last year we have, just last week, received an invitation to apply for our CV's.

[/quote]I have heard of CPAMs which won't do this though, Ernie.
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