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Is this a viable health cover option


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My husband and I intend to retire early and live in France full time, under the new rules I understand we will be covered for the first two years by our E106, We will then have to fund ourselves with private insurance for two years until my husband reaches 65, after which we will be eligible to enter the system because he will be in receipt of a UK pension. Also, if you have lived in France as a French resident for 5+ years you are also entitled to enter the system. This means that a percentage of your costs are met, and you either pay the rest or take out top-up insurance to cover it.

That is how I understood the rules to be, but a friend of mine has just returned from France and has said you will no longer be allowed to join the system ever, and must have full private health care cover from when you arrive in France? Is she just having a senior moment??[8-)]

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[quote user="Jo"].... a friend of mine has just returned from France and has said you will no longer be allowed to join the system ever, and must have full private health care cover from when you arrive in France? Is she just having a senior moment??[8-)][/quote]


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[quote user="Jo"]a friend of mine has just returned from France and has said you will no longer be allowed to join the system ever, and must have full private health care cover from when you arrive in France?[/quote]Sounds like you've done your homework and come up with the correct answers so why would you give a seconds credence to what one ill informed person is telling you. I think you're being more than charitable to your friend by calling it a senior moment, I have no such constraints so will be blunt and call it stupid [:P]

Why don't you tell them to pass this on to the Daily Mail, it's just the sort of b0llocks they'll turn into front page news.

Tip: Timed carefully you can get up to 2.5 years out of an E106 which could save you 6 months private funding. Timed badly and you could get not much more than 12 months.

There are quite a few threads on the topic but THIS one seems sums it up without being too long winded.

Come to think of it whoever imparted this rubbish to your friend presumably must believe it too and, by logical extension, so must others beyond that.

10:1 they'll be the same ones who insist you can drive on UK plates for ever and dont have to fill in French tax forms.

She wasn't visiting in the Eymet area by any chance I suppose [Www]


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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]it will be approx 5 years from now when the first people try to enter the system after having completed 5 years stable permenant legal residence.[/quote]Not neccessarily, what of those who've been here for 4-5 years on a renewable workers E106 which may be expiring at the end of this year. These will surely be the first 'test cases'.

The 5 year rule is an EU directive anyway is it not so as long as people have demonstrably been 'permanantly and legally resident' there are no legitimate or defensible grounds for refusals.

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I have done some translations for by a forum member who has been accepted by the CPAM under the 5-year rule.

The CPAM official I spoke to said there the transition to "cover under the 5-year rule" should be automatic, smooth and painless (or words to that effect [:)]).

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I haven't received your PM yet but I'll answer your question here.

Firstly, whilst I can't give you any details I do know that self employment could well add several different ingredients to the recipe and whether those would qualify your OH for a workers E106 I couldn't say although I rather suspect not, but lets hope I'm wrong.

To apply for a workers E106 fill in THIS form and send it to HMRC. If you can't fill it in because this is just an idea you have rather than your actual situation then talk to them. They are generally very helpful although I'm not sure how they might respond to enquiries as to what to put on the form to ensure that you to qualify !

Good luck.

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