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Completing the "Declaration de choix du medecin traitant


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Both my wife and I have to submit these forms to RAM who will provide us with our new cart vitale's however I am a little confused about filling in the form which nominates our preferred doctor. The first section titled "Identification de l'assure et du benificiaire"

Am I correct in understanding that in each case we enter ourselves as the assured "L'assure" and under the "Le beneficiaire" in my case my wife and on my wife's form me?

Many thanks,


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The explanation is shown on the back of the form (sample here)[quote]
  • si vous êtes l'assuré(e), écrivez, dans la zone "l'assuré(e)", vos nom, prénom et numéro d'immatriculation et dans la zone "le bénéficiaire", votre date de naissance,
  • -si vous n'êtes pas l'assuré(e) - conjoint, enfant âgé de 16 ans ou plus ou autre personne à charge - écrivez, dans la zone "l'assuré(e)" , les nom, prénom et numéro d'immatriculation de la personne à laquelle vous êtes rattaché(e) et inscrivez, dans la zone "le bénéficiaire", vos nom, prénom et date de naissance,[/quote]
(If you are the insured, write your name, add and reg number in the "assuré" field and your d.o.b. in the "bénéficiaire" field.

If you are not the insured - his/her wife or husband, his/her child aged 16 or over, or other dependent - write the insured's name, add and reg number in the "assuré" field and your own name and d.o.b. in the "bénéficiaire" field)

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[quote user="Clair"]The explanation is shown on the back of the form (sample here)
  • si vous êtes l'assuré(e), écrivez, dans la zone "l'assuré(e)", vos nom, prénom et numéro d'immatriculation et dans la zone "le bénéficiaire", votre date de naissance,
  • -si vous n'êtes pas l'assuré(e) - conjoint, enfant âgé de 16 ans ou plus ou autre personne à charge - écrivez, dans la zone "l'assuré(e)" , les nom, prénom et numéro d'immatriculation de la personne à laquelle vous êtes rattaché(e) et inscrivez, dans la zone "le bénéficiaire", vos nom, prénom et date de naissance,[/quote]
Clair: thank you, but how do you know who is what?  My wife (who has her own social security number, different from mine) needs to fill in the same form.  In official documents issued by CPAM she has sometimes been referred to as  "l'assuré(e)"  and sometimes as "le bénéficiaire".   The same is true of documents addressed to me.

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You are the assuré when claiming under your own SS number.

If you were claiming under your wife's SS number, she would be the assuré and you would be the bénéficiaire, and the other way round if she were claiming under your SS number, which shouldn't happen, as you each have your own number... [:)]

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