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air cleaner


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We have both noticed since moving to France that we have runny noses when coming downstairs in the morning all year round. Clearly there must be something in the air to cause this reaction. Once the downstairs windows have been opened, closed at night for security reasons, the problem eases as it does if we go outside for a bit. No carpets so dust mites unlikely. This old house, circa1850, must have something built into its fabric which escapes into the air and causes an allergic reaction. The stone blocks tend to become coated with a white powder which can be brushed off. Someone told us that this was saltpetre, a main component in gun powder.The maps show us to be near, though not in, a high natural radon gas area. Our cellar, below the main downstairs room, is always damp. So can anyone recommend an air cleaner/purifier obtainable here in France to handle about 50 sq metres of room space ........................................J
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Do you suffer in the same way if you sleep elsewhere in the house ?

If the problem is caused by spores from some sort of fungus e.g. dry rot, a squirt of "Oust" may mask but will not solve it. You will have to let your fingers do the walking and get a man in.


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South of Parthenay and  North of St Maixent L'Ecole. There is a map of the distribution of radon in this area here http://www.deux-sevres.pref.gouv.fr/fichiers/securite/sanitaire/radon.pdf  See page 2.


Reactions mostly when we come down stairs. Could put cellar extractor fan on a timer but would be cold in Winter. No rot as far as we know and all floors are concrete beam and drop in block type construction so no timber to speak of.....................................................J
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Coming back to allergies which I think is our problem, I used to go to the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, a NHS trust hospital, who offer very effective treatments for allergies. I had treatment which cured my hay fever completely.  I only had to go twice a year for a top up. I found the EPD (Enzyme-potentiated desensitisation) treatment I had to be very effective and safe. EPD is only one of many different types of treatment for allergy and  I assume whilst I could still go there I would not now be covered by the NHS and I would have to pay. With the cost of getting there and back it could be quite expensive. A lot cheaper to buy an air cleaner. I don't think the French have EPD clinics but would welcome information if anyone knows anything..........................J

For info see:


EPD is a method of low dose desensitization which has been shown in placebo-controlled double blind trials to be effective in the treatment of allergy. It was developed in 1966 by Dr Len McEwen at St Mary’s Hospital in London, and is prescribable on the NHS if your GP is willing to prescribe it. Treatment with EPD involves a course of intradermal injections of a naturally-occuring enzyme ( β-Glucuronidase) with a very dilute vaccine containing antigens (foods/inhalants/bacterial and yeast antigens/chemicals etc) appropriate to the patient’s condition. Because the vaccine is so dilute it remains a very safe treatment. Over 300 000 treatments have now been given worldwide without any serious side effects.
EPD has been successfully used in the treatment of asthma, hayfever, eczema, urticaria, irritable bowel syndrome, some types of arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), childhood hyperactivity and psychiatric reactions to food.



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Yes I do have a lot of old books up in the grenier but not downstairs. Have examined those books I do have downstairs and no bugs seen but thanks for the suggestion..........................J

PS Have run the cellar extractor fan daily and it seems to have helped but not a cure as yet.

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