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an all round good experience at the Opticians


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When in the UK I always had my eyes tested every year. Having now been in France for 2 years I decided it was time to sort something out for an eye test and possibly new glasses.

I read as much as I could about all of it, checking with the medecin traitant (answer: yes you do need to see an ophthalmologue, no you don't need a referral, and there is a 12 month delay to get an appointment), making sure I had cover on the mutuelle, etc. I decided to check with an optician recommended by the mutuelle to see if they would do a basic vision test and check if my prescription needs changing.

I booked an appointment, just over a week ago, went in today, she did a complete sight test (same as I used to have in the Uk), checked my current glasses and concluded that for distance nothing needed changing, but if I wanted I could have a slightly stronger pair for close work, but it wasn't really necessary.  After about an hour of test, advice etc. I decided that I didn't need new glasses and asked what the bill was for the test. The answer - NOTHING!

It's the cheapest visit to an optician I have ever had [:D]

I'll be booking the ophthalmo in due course just to make sure everything else is ok.

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